Community Design Crit ( Tuesday July 13, 2021 ) - VideoLinkwell, streamlining the workflow in an interactive video eLearning app

Justin Obara obara.justin at
Mon Jul 12 15:00:05 UTC 2021

There will be a Community Design Crit on Tuesday July 13, 2021, 2pm to 3pm ET.

Topic: VideoLinkwell, streamlining the workflow in an interactive video eLearning app

Martin Koob will demo his SaaS application VideoLinkwell. It is used in Sign Language interpreter training to record a learner's interpretation of a video sample and then allow teachers to give  feedback by annotating the resulting video at various time points in the video with video or text comments. The goal is to facilitate and streamline the process of providing feedback in Sign Language. He is looking for feedback on the UX and workflow for teachers and and learners in creating, sharing, assessing and reviewing their projects. For more information on the application see <>

Links: <>

Facilitator: Martin Koob

Meeting Details:

Date: Tuesday July 13, 2021
Time: 2pm to 3pm ET
Virtual Meeting : zoom <>

Other Information:

Please visit the Inclusive Design Critiques and Workshops <> wiki page, for more information including the schedule of upcoming events. 

Contributions are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License <> and follow the Fluid and Inclusive Design Community Code of Conduct <>. (Note: some demonstrated/presented or discussed software, hardware, research, tools and etc, may have their own license.)

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