Interest to work with Inclusive Design Institute in GSoC 2020

Dinuka Piyadigama drpiyadigama at
Tue Mar 24 14:17:44 UTC 2020

Hi Justin & Cindy,

I’m Dinuka Piyadigama, a 2nd-year Software Engineering Undergraduate from
Informatics Institute of Technology, Sri Lanka. I’m a creative full-stack
developer. I'm currently working at a company named ThinkSmart as a
back-end developer. In addition to that, currently, I’ve taken up
leadership roles in the IET club on Campus IIT, the Blockchain research
group of IIT and the Toastmasters club of IIT; where I hold the positions
of the vice-president, lead and sergeant-at-arms respectively.

I'm interested in taking up the project, “Port UIO+ Chrome Extension to
Firefox and Safari; add more adaptations”. As a preparation, I started
developing sample extensions for Firefox, Chrome & Safari. I faced a
problem when trying to get the Safari extension which I developed to work
as Safari won’t allow “Unauthorized extensions” to be installed. Can I
please know if there’s any workaround for this?

The GitHub repo which contains the work that I've done with relevance to
this project can be found here:

The ReadMe of the repo contains the steps that I've followed to implement
the extensions.

I have also set-up the preference chrome extension project on my machine
and checked out how it works. Screenshots of the testing and running of the
project are attached below.

Looking forward to a positive reply.

Thank you,
Dinuka Piyadigama.
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