GSOC Project

Justin Obara obara.justin at
Tue Mar 10 11:45:56 UTC 2020

Hello Yash,

Thank you for your interest in our projects.

As noted in the Where and how to contact us <> section of our GSoC wiki page, the best places to ask questions about GSoC are either here on the fluid-work mailing list or in the fluid-work IRC Channel <>. You’ll most likely get responses during North American business hours. For the IRC Channel make sure to ping the project mentors directly, or they may not see your message. For the mailing list, identifying the project in the subject line will help mentors see your question.


> On Mar 9, 2020, at 4:17 PM, Yash Mathne <yash6866 at> wrote:
> Hey there, 
> I am Yash Mathne, a Computer Science student with 2 years of experience with web development. I still have a lot to learn but I am a quick learner. I would love to contribute to GSOC'2020 on either the Extension Porting project or the Navigation Using Gamepad project. I have already started working on the latter and tracked down a few issues with the already existing solutions for the same. And as for the former, I am currently reviewing the code base and reading up on how to port chrome extension to other browsers. Please direct me to a proper channel of communication as the IRC channel doesn't seem to be responsive. 
> Thank you, 
> Yash Mathne 
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