Fedora 27 box updated

Tirloni, Giovanni gtirloni at ocadu.ca
Thu Jan 25 17:20:11 UTC 2018

Some issues with the guest's kernel (4.14.14) and VirtualBox prevent this version from working okay.

Please ignore it and consider v20180122 as the latest one.

On 01/25/2018 01:14 PM, Tirloni, Giovanni wrote:
> New box update with Chrome 64 and Firefox 58 --  v20180125
> On 01/22/2018 04:20 PM, Tirloni, Giovanni wrote:
>> The F27 box has been updated with newer packages and some fixes, please ensure you have the latest version:
>> $ vagrant box update --box inclusivedesign/fedora27  # v20180122
>> To verify that all your boxes are up to date:
>> $ vagrant box outdated --global
>> To remove old versions automatically:
>> $ vagrant box prune
>> On 11/15/2017 05:54 PM, Tirloni, Giovanni wrote:
>>> Fedora 27 was released yesterday (https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-27) and we have a new Vagrant box for it.
>>>       https://app.vagrantup.com/inclusivedesign/boxes/fedora27
>>> It comes with GNOME 3.26, Firefox 57, Chrome 62 and Docker pre-configured.
>>> To use the new box in an existing project:
>>> 1. Edit your Vagrantfile (Update this line:  config.vm.box = "inclusivedesign/fedora27")
>>> 2. vagrant destroy -f
>>> 3. vagrant up
>>> To remove old boxes:
>>> 1. vagrant box remove inclusivedesign/fedora26
>>> 2. vagrant box prune

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