Community Meeting ( October 26 ): Visualization of Complex Medical Data using Next-Generation Holo-graphic Techniques

Justin Obara obara.justin at
Mon Oct 24 16:28:29 UTC 2016

At this weeks Community Meeting
<> ( October
26, 2016 ) Michael Page, from OCADU’s Phase Lab
<>  will be coming to the
IDRC to talk and demonstrate Visualization of Complex Medical Data using
Next-Generation Holo-graphic Techniques. It is recommended to attend in
person, if possible. Please note that this will be held at a special time (
10 am ET ).


Almost all medical imaging takes the form of 3D data sets. This data is
most often viewed in 2D or what we like to think of as 2.5 D, the flat
screen computer screen.
Hologram means "whole image"

What if a surgeons and medical workers could hold a life-sized, 3D,
auto-stereoscopic image of the human brain and examine it up-close. PHASE
Lab is embarking on a 3 year long research project to develop the
technology to print DICOM data using a new high definition digital
holographic process.

10:00 - 11:30 AM ET

Locally: IDRC Office<>
Remotely: fluid_standup<>
Vidyo video conference

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