Moving away from Markdown to straight HTML for Inclusive Design Guide site

Tony Atkins tony at
Thu Oct 6 12:04:35 UTC 2016

Hi, Jonathan:

I agree with a lot of Alan's points, moving to pure HTML seems like a step
we should only consider once we have reasonably exhausted the remaining
options.  Thankfully, I can already think of a few options off the top of
my head that would get us back to more pure markdown.

Let's start with the markup from the "Cause and Effect" page

<ul class="idg-articleContentUseWhyHow">
> <li>
> <span role="presentation" class="idg-iconInsights">{{{getCategoryIcon
>> "insights"}}}</span>
> [Interconnectedness](/insights/Interconnectedness.html)
> </li>
> <li>
> <span role="presentation" class="idg-iconInsights">{{{getCategoryIcon
>> "insights"}}}</span>
> [Virtuous Cycles](/insights/VirtuousCycles.html)
> </li>
> </ul>
What I see here is that we need to:

   1. add a class to the list
   2. add classes and roles to each list item.

The underlying markdown rendering engine supports overriding individual
rendering methods
<>, including
both "list" and "listitem".  Assuming you can use generic class names, that
would give you the option to use pure markdown lists for everything, as in:

# [Interconnectedness](/insights/Interconnectedness.html)
> # [Virtuous Cycles](/insights/VirtuousCycles.html)

You could also handle at least the list items with a more helpful block
helper <>, one that also
generated the span.  Block helpers can be called with literal strings, so
assuming that overriding "list" works, you'd end up with markdown like:

# {{{myIconHelper "insights"
> "idg-iconInsights"}}}[Interconnectedness](/insights/Interconnectedness.html)
> # {{{myIconHelper "insights" "idg-iconInsights"}}}[Virtuous
> Cycles](/insights/VirtuousCycles.html)

This is not to suggest this approach, only to suggest that if markdown
alone won't work, perhaps mixing markdown and block helpers is more

Anyway, keep the discussion going, I suspect with a few more details about
why those classes are needed we can figure out how to meet our goals
without giving up on markdown.



On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 7:33 PM, Hung, Jonathan <jhung at> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> For the Inclusive Design Guide site we have been using a combination of
> both markdown and native HTML in the source document files.
> Examples of mixed HTML and Markdown:
> Cause and Effect
> <> -
> typical example (Design Guide)
> Virtuous Cycles
> <> -
> example with images (Design Guide)
> Metadata
> <> -
> also in the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook and elsewhere (ILDH)
> The main motivation for using Markdown was to make it easy for
> contributors to author content without having to know HTML. However,
> because of our styling and formatting requirements, we have both HTML and
> Markdown in the same files. Thus requiring the author to use both formats
> in a document.
> To complicate matters for authors of all skill levels, Markdown is very
> particular how you mix HTML - nesting Markdown inside a block level HTML
> element causes it not to render properly as described by Point #3 of this
> article “Three Markdown Gotchas
> <>”.
> Given our increasing need to control style and formatting in our
> documentation, I wonder if it would be beneficial to switch to straight
> HTML within documentation source files for the Inclusive Design Guides site?
> Transitioning to straight HTML would also make the task of creating
> print-ready duplexed layouts easier as we would be able to use block level
> containers and not worry about the content not rendering.
> Any thoughts?
> - Jon.
> ---
> Jonathan Hung, Inclusive Designer
> Email: jhung at
> OCAD University
> Inclusive Design Research Centre
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