Meeting Summary - Inclusive Learning Design Handbook & Inclusive Design Guidelines

Hung, Jonathan jhung at
Tue Jul 12 13:53:45 UTC 2016

This is really good, thank you!

I feel like we need to do some cleaning up of the structure of the information on the ILDH.  Just one example, “Video Content and Learning<>” is a topic located under the “Methods” category, but “EPUB” is its own category. To me they should be on the same level since they’re both related to delivery of content via a specific medium.

     *   Establish what needs to be repeated, and what needs to be differentiated amongst the two resources

I think now would be a good time to refine and refocus the ILDH. The ILDH can feel a bit scattered, so it’ll be good to clean it up in light of what the Guides now offer us.

- Jon.

Jonathan Hung, Inclusive Designer
Email: jhung at<mailto:jhung at>
OCAD University
Inclusive Design Research Centre

On July 11, 2016 at 4:21:04 PM, godfrey wong (godfrey.wong at<mailto:godfrey.wong at>) wrote:

Hi all,

Tim and I, the two occupational therapy students on placement at IDRC are currently taking a look through the Inclusive Design Guidelines as well as the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook. We had a discussion with Dana and Sepideh in regards to what can be addressed to further develop the two resources. The following provides a summary of what was discussed:

  *   The Inclusive Design Guidelines currently refers to the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook but not vice versa

     *   Include references to Inclusive Design Guidelines where applicable in the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook

  *   There are some overlaps between the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook and the Inclusive Design Guidelines

     *   Establish what needs to be repeated, and what needs to be differentiated amongst the two resources

  *   Possible addition of assistive device information to Inclusive Design Learning Handbook

     *   Might be referencing existing external sources as opposed to creating our own

  *   Incorporating vignettes into sections of the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook

     *   Create “before and after” example for design recommendations to demonstrate possible end user experience

  *   Occupational students to keep a running list of inconsistencies between the two resources as well as identify content that can be modified or rephrased to be made more understandable to audience members outside of the community

We welcome any feedback or thoughts about this project.

Godfrey and Tim

MScOT Candidates

University of Toronto
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