Edify visit remarks

Hung, Jonathan jhung at ocadu.ca
Thu Jan 28 20:17:18 UTC 2016

Hi everyone.

First off, thanks to Jess, Dana, Sepideh, and Colin for giving me feedback and resources for my presentation last week at Edify in Costa Rica. I think the presentation went pretty well and everyone was pretty engaged. You can find a copy of the presentation on the Fluid wiki<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Presentations>, under “Introduction to Inclusive Design … January 20, 2016”.

The hands-on “Create a Use Case Scenario” exercises went well and encouraged people to shift their perception of disability to that of a mismatch. Ask me sometime about “Mambo” the international super-star Costa Rican goal keeper, who is a father of 4 kids from 2 marriages, and has ambition to become an elementary school teacher. :)

Linking the inclusive design principles to a real-world example in their product (the timed auto-logout dialog) really helped with their understanding. I think they started to understand how rather innocuous designs could become huge barriers to users.

One group brought up an interesting scenario which didn’t “fit” on the User States and Contexts diagram. In their example, the elderly user had assistance from two grand children for a few hours after school. While the grand kids were good help, but not good teachers. How would this be captured in the “Learning Arrangements” section user states and contexts diagram?

With help from Phill Cross from NROC, and Boris Goldowsky from CAST we an opportunity to spend time with some of their developers and QA members and give them a crash course on web accessibility and design.

There are some gnarly design issues in Edify’s EdReady project like a data dense student reports interface, and use of modal-like dialogue containers for interactive assessments. I expect we will be having a few more discussions about this soon.

I also hope to be able to share some of the design issues in a future Design Crit.

Feel free to ask me questions.

- Jon.

Jonathan Hung
Inclusive Designer
Inclusive Design Research Centre
OCAD University

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