floe tools
Vass, Joanna
jvass at ocadu.ca
Tue Apr 8 21:51:32 UTC 2014
Hi all,
Linked is the updated floe narrative mocked up in the floe site. Let me know if you have any feedback.
On Mar 27, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Dana Ayotte <dana.ayotte at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Joanna,
> Yes, this is looking good! I have a few comments as well.
> I agree with Colin about "starters" being unclear and I like your suggestion Colin.
> Regarding the image, I think the connections between the circles are not entirely clear. For the first and second circles, it might help to show something related to captions in the "starters" somehow.
> The link from Pref Editing Tools to UIOptions makes sense to me, but then retrieving preferences from the cloud (the third circle in this group) is such a different action that I'm thinking it would be good to distinguish it/separate it out somehow.
> The connection between the GPII cloud and metatdata editor also seems unclear - I'm not sure how to solve this. Maybe rather than a linear flow these are more like branches that come together? I'll give this some more thought and let's discuss.
> Thanks,
> Dana
> On Mar 26, 2014, at 1:02 PM, Colin Clark <colinbdclark at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Wow, I like this a lot! Very nicely done, Joanna.
>> Some really minor edits below.
>> On Mar 26, 2014, at 11:56 AM, Vass, Joanna <jvass at ocadu.ca> wrote:
>>> Watching a video in a loud room or learning a new language?
>>> We think being able to transform, augment, and personalize educational resources to fit your needs is essential to a great learning experience.
>> Perhaps rather than just a “great” learning experience, we should make it clear that the stakes are higher—that it’s about an inclusive learning experience that reflects what we each need to be successful.
>>> Preference editing tools help learners discover and customize resources. The [Preference Exploration Tool] offers learners starters to find out what works best for them.
>> “Starters” here is ambiguous. Can we clarify what a “starter” is in some way? “The Preferences Exploration Tool offers learners a set of starter preferences that they can try out to help them find out what works best for them” or something like that?
>>> While [User Interface Options] allows for more granular preference adjustments. Resources need to be flexible and multi-modal to adopt to a range of learning needs - from enabling content to be spoken aloud so it's easier to follow along to enhancing keyboard interactions so it's easier to use.
>>> Happy with the customized preferences? [Save them to the GPII cloud] for later use on other devices.
>> We should probably unpack our acronyms wherever we can. So “Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure” probably will make more sense to newcomers.
>>> Creating content? The [Inclusive Design Learning Handbook] offers tips on producing rich resources to help reach a diversity of learners.
>>> Have your content already? The [Metadata Editor] encourages relevant metadata and accessibility features to be added. This way a learner with unique preferences, such as captions for all audio content, will be matched with resources that fits their needs.
>> I guess the audience for the metadata editing components is somewhat different. They’re particularly for developers of OER content creation tools who want to enable their system to produce more accessible content. So we should reflect that, but I also like how you’ve described the impact of these tools on the end-user.
>>> With the [Video Player] learners can provide feedback if a resource doesn't fit their preference needs. A learner can request captions or create captions themselves for the video.
>> There’s probably more to the Video Player, in that it’s designed to offer a multimodal or “layered” experience out of the box, and then if that content is available, learners or teachers can provide feedback, request captions, make captions, etc.
>> Again, this is really awesome. I like how we’re really working to tell a clear and meaningful story about our vision and tools to learners, teachers, stakeholders and funders.
>> Colin
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