Video Player on IDI site

Justin Obara obara.justin at
Wed Mar 6 15:00:37 UTC 2013

Cleared my cache and things seem better in regards to safari. It's not perfect as there are some issues switching in and out of full screen. For example the black background takes a while to fully appear, and the repainting on minimzing is also a bit slow.

On 2013-03-06, at 8:33 AM, Justin Obara <obara.justin at> wrote:

> I did a quick test across browsers. For the most part it seems okay. Both IE8 and Safari seem to be lacking the black letterboxing. For safari it also has a background that seems out of place (see attached screenshot). One more safari issue is that the full screen doesn't increase the size of the video.
> Thanks
> Justin
> <Screen Shot .png>
> On 2013-03-05, at 3:35 PM, "Cheetham, Anastasia" <acheetham at> wrote:
>> The VideoPlayer WordPress plugin has now been updated to the v0.1 tag of the VideoPlayer and deployed on the dev IDI site. You can see it in action at
>> We would appreciate feedback to let us know if you think this is ready for deployment on the development site. Please have a look, try it out on different browsers, and share your feedback here on the list.
>> -- 
>> Anastasia Cheetham     Inclusive Design Research Centre
>> acheetham at           Inclusive Design Institute
>>                                        OCAD University
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