[GlobalPreferences] First attempt at PGA preferences categorization
Jonathan Hung
jhung at ocadu.ca
Mon Mar 4 19:55:57 UTC 2013
Hi Shari,
Thank you so much for those additions and great suggestions!
I agree that it's important that there is an appropriate level granularity
for a given preference - with that in mind, I've reformatted the document
to better communicate this. For example, under "Size" you can see that a
size can be specified for transcripts, captions, and text independently.
In the process of reformatting, a few of your comments appear to be
duplicated. Can you check to see that your comments are intact and delete
the comments that are no longer needed?
- Jon.
On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Shari Trewin <trewin at us.ibm.com> wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> This is a great list. I have gone through the preferences we found to be
> useful in our WebAdapt2Me/accessibilityWorks projects and added some items
> to the document. Feel free to move them around if they are in the wrong
> place, or are already listed elsewhere.
> Under 'Text content' I added: letter spacing, word spacing, and line
> spacing. I see there is a general item for 'content spacing' under
> 'layout', but these specific settings seemed to me to fit under text, and
> need to be adjusted independently. In our research, these options improved
> readability for older users, children with dyslexia and people with low
> vision.
> Under 'Interaction' I added 'Cursor Size'. In accessibilityWorks we
> provided an option for a very large cursor size. Much larger than those
> the operating systems offer. This was a very popular feature that made a
> huge difference for many of the users I met. I think it is an important
> preference. Our cursor were also very brightly colored - would that come
> under 'Cursor Highlight'? People could choose from different cursor
> colors, to make the cursor more visible to them.
> One of the most popular features in accessibilityWorks was the ability to
> point to text and hear it read aloud (different to pure audio interaction).
> Looking at the current list, I wasn't sure whether that is covered. I
> would be inclined to list it as 'Point to speak' under 'Interaction', if it
> is not covered elsewhere.
> What about preferences relating to standard input devices? Mouse gain,
> key repeat delay and rate, sticky keys, acceptance delay, etc?
> If I need a long key repeat delay, and I go to a public computer in a
> library and swipe my Id card (or whatever I do to activate my preferences),
> I need those settings to be activated for me too, even though they are not
> related to the specific content I want to access. These options are
> potentially relevant to touch screen interactions too, where debounce and
> accidental activation have also been observed.
> What about support for scanning? Wouldn't it be great if switch users
> could directly scan through content elements and interact with them instead
> of having to generate 'tab' key presses on an onscreen keyboard? If
> preference profiles included information about input methods (number of
> switches and their mapping, scan rate), this opens the door to innovative
> approaches for switch users.
> I have suggested some possible input-related preferences at the end of the
> document. These relate to typical keyboard preferences but are
> generalized. I also added in some items that we needed in our 3D virtual
> world project (PowerUp).
> I also suggested some aids - magnified text, and a reading aid that hides
> content other then the current word/line being read. This last was
> strongly requested by the teachers at a school for children with severe
> dyslexia.
> My additions and comments are labelled 'HCI Research' - I wasn't logged in
> with my usual username at the time.
> Shari Trewin
> Usability and Accessibility Research
> IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
> P.O. Box 218, Yorktown, NY 10598
> [image: Inactive hide details for Jonathan Hung ---02/26/2013 10:47:40
> PM---Hi everyone, To follow-up on Tona's message earlier titled]Jonathan
> Hung ---02/26/2013 10:47:40 PM---Hi everyone, To follow-up on Tona's
> message earlier titled "PGA: wireframing first ideas", I have attempted to
> create the first
> *Jonathan Hung <jhung at ocadu.ca>*
> Sent by: globalpreferences-bounces at fluidproject.org
> 02/26/2013 10:47 PM
> To
> globalpreferences at fluidproject.org, Fluid Work <
> fluid-work at fluidproject.org>
> cc
> Subject
> [GlobalPreferences] First attempt at PGA preferences categorization
> Hi everyone,
> To follow-up on Tona's message earlier titled "PGA: wireframing first
> ideas", I have attempted to create the first enumeration of possible
> preferences for the PGA system. These preferences are based on design
> brainstorming (use cases and mind mapping), existing features of FLOE UI
> Options, and the "Cognitive Disability Matrix and Adaptations to Learn"
> document in the shared PGA google drive.
> The PGA Preferences Categorization can be found here:
> *
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhzmBMhbP3nGdERsZFI5TU83U3Z5OGh5R3V6dHFZRkE&usp=sharing
> *<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhzmBMhbP3nGdERsZFI5TU83U3Z5OGh5R3V6dHFZRkE&usp=sharing>
> I would love to hear input from the community concerning this list. The
> document is editable so please edit and revise as needed. Also this
> document is currently hosted in my personal google space but perhaps this
> should be moved into the shared google drive?
> Thanks!
> - Jon.
> --
> *T:* 416 977 6000 x3951
> *F:* 416 977 9844
> *E:* *jhung at ocadu.ca* <jhung at ocadu.ca>
> Inclusive Design Research Centre
> 205 Richmond Street W, Toronto, ON, M5V 1V3
> *www.ocadu.ca* <http://www.ocadu.ca/>
> *www.idrc.ocad.ca* <http://www.idrc.ocad.ca/>
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*T:* 416 977 6000 x3951****
*F:* 416 977 9844****
*E:* jhung at ocadu.ca****
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Inclusive Design Research Centre****
205 Richmond Street W, Toronto, ON, M5V 1V3****
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