UIO Strategy meeting recap

Justin Obara obara.justin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 13:04:38 UTC 2013

Hi Colin,

Reply inline below.

On 2013-06-12, at 7:00 PM, Colin Clark <colinbdclark at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> This is an excellent summary. A few quick questions inline…
> On 2013-06-11, at 7:18 PM, Justin Obara <obara.justin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Today several of the UI Options developers met to talk about the UIO API and how to best implement it. A new focus for UIO will be configuration through a schema. You can see more info about the schema and new API as they shape up on the wiki.
>> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Schema+for+UIO+preferences
>> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Proposal+-+New+UIO+API
> These example schemas conform to the JSON Schema spec, is that right?

Yes that's correct.

> http://json-schema.org/latest/json-schema-core.html
>> First of all, any implementation of UI Options and/or UI Enhancer should expect a schema to be provided. The schema will likely be a subset of or derived from the one held by the GPII server.
> Can you elaborate on this point? Which GPII server? I'm assuming you mean the Common Terms Registry. Is there any part of this schema that you think isn't covered by the data structure of the common terms registry, or that isn't relevant to it?

I honestly don't know enough about GPII to be certain about these things, perhaps Yura or Antranig would be better to elaborate here. However, I do believe it is the Common Terms Registry. From my understanding, the reason why it won't always be the one from the GPII is that we won't always need all of the settings defined there, and for cases where an application might use a setting that isn't defined in GPII. This isn't to say we couldn't use the Common Terms Registry, just that we may not be and should support such a case. There is also the thought that one day the schema would actually inform which settings to generate. Although at the moment this will likely be the job of the settingsPanel and enactor grades.

> Having these concrete examples will be very helpful as we start to implement the CTR soon. Thanks for putting them together!
>> 	• move min/max out of the settings panels' models, into standard options
>> 	• write a starter schema ( for the settings in our starter grades )
>> 	• update the "model relay" to be "schema aware". To source defaults from the schema.
>> 	• source the values for max, min, and etc. from the schema when panels are configured in UIO
> Are people working on these specific tasks now? If so, who?

These really all came out of a discussion around FLUID-5043; which Cindy and I are working on. Although it might get split up and later.

> Colin
> ---
> Colin Clark
> http://fluidproject.org

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