Notes from Discovery Tool tasking meeting June 28, 2013

Jonathan Hung jhung at
Tue Jul 2 16:41:49 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

I have transferred the tasks in Justin's previous email into the Floe
iteration planning page.

Please add tasks as needed and feel free to modify the tasks already there.
As work begins, please be sure to create the appropriate JIRA, and put a
time estimate and your name down for the task.

Incidentally when creating the JIRA for
I simply filed the issue under "Demos". Should there be a Component
specific to the Discovery Tool?

- Jon.

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 3:20 PM, Justin Obara <obara.justin at>wrote:

> We had a follow up to the discovery tool meeting this afternoon. Below you
> will find a summary of that information, which is also in the pirate pad (
> *Presets and preferences they affect:*
>    - increase size
>       - increase text size 1.5x
>       - line spacing 1.3
>    - high contrast
>       - black on white
>       - emphasize links
>       - inputs larger
>       - sans serif font or monospaced font
>    - low contrast ?
>       - dark grey on light grey
>       - serif font or lighter font weight
>    - simplify
>       - article only
>       - adds table of contents
>       - increases linespacing 1.2x
>       - increases text size 1.2x
>    - text to speech
>       - turns on text to speech
>    - More text
>       - alt text displayed for images (only for images larger than xxxx)
>       - show transcripts
> *Try something new:*
> The "Try Something New" feature is used to randomly select presets, and
> aid in discovery.
> After clicking "Try Something New" two random presets will be enabled and
> the rest disabled. The user will still be able to individually
> enable/disable the presets as they desire.
> *Tasks for July 2 - 5:*
>    - Follow up on details for low contrast preset
>       - grey values
>       - other preferences to be set
>       - Anastasia
>    - Find a resource for the demo
>       - perhaps something from
>       - Anastasia and Michelle
>    - Start in on implementing the new preferences/settings panels
>       - Anastasia and Michelle
>    - Wrap up work on UIO Schema implementation
>       - Antranig, Cindy, Justin, and Yura
>    - Provide mock ups / wireframes to be used for the demo
>       - Joanna
> Thanks
> Justin
> On 2013-06-27, at 9:23 AM, Justin Obara <obara.justin at> wrote:
> We had been discussing if it would even be possible to implement the
> "increase cursor" size option. I've done a quick google search which has
> produced a couple of stackoverflow threads on the issue.
> is a link to a demo on this one).
> In short we can't really do this with CSS alone. We will need to use a DOM
> element to follow the cursor. The cursor can be hidden so that it looks
> like the styled element below is actually the real cursor. However, this
> may interfere with DOM events that we were expecting to be triggered by the
> cursor (e.g. hover effects, and etc.).
> Thanks
> Justin
> On 2013-06-26, at 4:38 PM, "Cheetham, Anastasia" <acheetham at>
> wrote:
> The UI Options team is planning to implement a prototype of the Discovery
> Tool in July. Today, we met to review the wireframes and discuss what we
> would be implementing, and how.
> Wireframes:
> GPII preference and preset sorting
> PiratePad notes: (might not always work)
> A summary of the notes in the PiratePad are provided below.
> Goals for the Discovery Tool:
> 1. Address the meta cognition issue
> 2. Create a safe space to play around with preferences and see what they do
> 3. Built right into the context where the user is - do not require a
> change in mode
> Clarification of some of the functionality:
> * presets are on/off, no other adjustments of settings
> * "Try Something New" button randomly selects presets to be set
> * "Save preferences" button takes user to the PCP
> Of the various presets shown in the mock-ups, our first pass at a subset
> to implement for the prototype is:
> 1. Simplify
> 2. Zoom
> 3. Contrast
> Discussions of parts that need to be implemented
> ================================================
> Panel at the bottom of the page:
> - could implemented as a UIO "fat panel" that pops up from bottom instead
> of pulling down from top
> -- the preset 'buttons' would be settings panels
> - 'try something new' chooses and applies
> - still to determine: how many are selected by randomizer
> - user can un-choose anything that the randomizer has chosen
> - still to decide how presets would affect panel itself
> Save Preferences functionality
> - to start, will simply pop up a dialog that says "This will take user to
> PCP"
> Contrast
> - discover tool would only implement one colour combination
> - colours, font face and font weight
> -- we have no exiting code to do font weight
> Increase Size
> - increase font size and increase cursor size
> -- we have no exiting code to increase cursor size
> Simplify
> - see Simplify - Option 2 mock-up on
> - we have the ClimateChange demo work already done
> - increases text size, increases line spacing and ToC
> -- we have no code for the collapsible ToC
> Dictionary
> - need an open API for a dictionary service. see
> for possibilities?
> - picture dictionary would be nice
> Next Steps
> ==========
> Decide which presets we're going to implement in July
> - discuss this at Thursday noon meeting
> - meet on Friday at 1pm to finalize this
> --
> Anastasia Cheetham     Inclusive Design Research Centre
> acheetham at           Inclusive Design Institute
>                                       OCAD University
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