[GlobalPreferences] First attempt at PGA preferences categorization
Gregg Vanderheiden
gv at trace.wisc.edu
Wed Feb 27 19:13:47 UTC 2013
Here is a powerpoint that show OT FACT
the best example of trichotomous is OT- FACT
Let me find a way to get a demo to you.
basically the choices are
a) No problem
b) Some problem (from minor to extreme)
c) Can't do at all
for a and c you log it and go on.
for b, it opens up and asks you another trichotomous question etc.
a) have no trouble reading
b) have some trouble reading some things
c) cannot read at all
a) have no problem reading even the smallest text on a computer
b) have trouble reading text sometimes
c) cannot see text well enough to read it at any size
In both cases -
if they answer b - it automatically takes them into more questions to quantify the trouble.
Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
Director Trace R&D Center
Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
and Biomedical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison
Technical Director - Cloud4all Project - http://Cloud4all.info
Co-Director, Raising the Floor - International - http://Raisingthefloor.org
and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure Project - http://GPII.net
On Feb 27, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Jonathan Hung <jhung at ocadu.ca> wrote:
> Hi Rich,
> Thanks for responding.
> I think I've missed this, but can you (or someone else) summarize or point me to an explanation of trichotomous branching as it relates to our work? Is this an approach we would consider to implement in a possible system or is it an approach for research?
> - Jon.
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 3:47 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger <schwer at us.ibm.com> wrote:
> This is great Jonathan. Thank you!
> I am at CSUN now so I can't dig in just yet. I will look at it.
> To all: I looked at the outline for the draft we will deliver to the DOE on April 20. While I understand this a research effort we need to tie our work to real world applications. We also need to show how trichotomous branching, for example, will be used in our follow on work to capture user preferences for the various user needs in such a way to reduce the time it takes to asses these needs. We could place a matrix like this in the appendix and refer to it. This shows puts the research into a real context.
> I want the department of education to be able to quickly understand the research by applying it to real world user needs. This I hope will ensure our receiving the next round of funding past this first phase. After all, we want to build this thing. :-)
> Rich
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 26, 2013, at 9:47 PM, "Jonathan Hung" <jhung at ocadu.ca> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> To follow-up on Tona's message earlier titled "PGA: wireframing first ideas", I have attempted to create the first enumeration of possible preferences for the PGA system. These preferences are based on design brainstorming (use cases and mind mapping), existing features of FLOE UI Options, and the "Cognitive Disability Matrix and Adaptations to Learn" document in the shared PGA google drive.
>> The PGA Preferences Categorization can be found here:
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhzmBMhbP3nGdERsZFI5TU83U3Z5OGh5R3V6dHFZRkE&usp=sharing
>> I would love to hear input from the community concerning this list. The document is editable so please edit and revise as needed. Also this document is currently hosted in my personal google space but perhaps this should be moved into the shared google drive?
>> Thanks!
>> - Jon.
>> --
>> T: 416 977 6000 x3951
>> F: 416 977 9844
>> E: jhung at ocadu.ca
>> Inclusive Design Research Centre
>> 205 Richmond Street W, Toronto, ON, M5V 1V3
>> www.ocadu.ca
>> www.idrc.ocad.ca
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>> GlobalPreferences mailing list
>> GlobalPreferences at fluidproject.org
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> --
> T: 416 977 6000 x3951
> F: 416 977 9844
> E: jhung at ocadu.ca
> Inclusive Design Research Centre
> 205 Richmond Street W, Toronto, ON, M5V 1V3
> www.ocadu.ca
> www.idrc.ocad.ca
> _______________________________________________
> GlobalPreferences mailing list
> GlobalPreferences at fluidproject.org
> http://lists.idrc.ocad.ca/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/globalpreferences
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