[Architecture] Preferences Framework documentation

Gregg Vanderheiden gv at trace.wisc.edu
Wed Aug 21 22:11:44 UTC 2013

I already discussed this with Colin and we decided to consolidate in GPII wiki --  for a number of reasons.    The PGA was funded as a GPII effort.  There is much confusion arising around information being on multiple wiki's.     And there are other considerations as well.  

By the way, the GPII is meant to be a common workspace for all of the different projects and efforts from all of the countries -- and a neutral space not associated with any project or organization - but belonging to the consortium.  

There is more sorting to be done -- and Jutta, Colin, and I are still in the midst.   We'll include your comments when we talk next. 


On Aug 21, 2013, at 2:07 PM, Antranig Basman <antranig.basman at colorado.edu> wrote:

> Hi Gregg - I would prefer, and I believe I speak for Colin in this preference too (although he may contradict me when returning from holiday) that we kept material relating to the Preferences Framework (formerly named the UIOptions Framework) in Fluid's documentation space since this is relevant to more projects and communities than those comprised in GPII and Cloud4all proper. For example we have tended to manage PGA information in Fluid's wiki, and other such communities may arise.
> Whilst specific configurations relating to the preferences framework, for example, the PCP/PMT, and some of the discovery tool work falls on the GPII/Cloud4all side of the fence, the framework itself is operated by code managed in Fluid's repositories - that is, in terms of github organisations, they fall under the organisation named for the Fluid project rather than the GPII - and are managed according to Fluid's community processes. In this way, the preferences framework is similar to the Infusion framework, or the recently created Kettle, which was just migrated out of GPII's universal project as I described last week.
> I feel therefore it would create less confusion if we kept such framework-level documentation in one place - the Fluid documentation space.
> Cheers,
> Antranig
> On 21/08/2013 11:55, Gregg Vanderheiden wrote:
>> I think we decided to migrate all the preferences work to one place -- on the GPII wiki.  So maybe it would
>> be good to create new pages there to make it less work moving things.
>> /Gregg/
>> --------------------------------------------------------
>> Gregg Vanderheiden Ph.D.
>> Director Trace R&D Center
>> Professor Industrial & Systems Engineering
>> and Biomedical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison
>> Technical Director - Cloud4all Project - http://Cloud4all.info
>> Co-Director, Raising the Floor - International - http://Raisingthefloor.org
>> and the Global Public Inclusive Infrastructure Project - http://GPII.net
>> On Aug 21, 2013, at 12:38 PM, "Cheetham, Anastasia" <acheetham at ocadu.ca <mailto:acheetham at ocadu.ca>> wrote:
>>> I've created a root page in the wiki for documentation related to the Preferences Framework:
>>> http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/docs/Preferences+Framework
>>> All documentation will be subpages of this page and/or linked to from it, so this will be the one-stop
>>> source. It's only a list of links right now, but it will be fleshed out with an overview of the
>>> Preferences Framework.
>>> --
>>> Anastasia Cheetham     Inclusive Design Research Centre
>>> acheetham at ocadu.ca           Inclusive Design Institute
>>>                                       OCAD University
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