Testing Framework Community Meeting

Justin Obara obara.justin at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 12:47:30 UTC 2012

Thanks for sending this out Yura.

I've scheduled a couple more community meetings (Nov 21, Nov 28), where we will look to start implementing the changes as discussed in the meeting and this thread.



On 2012-10-31, at 4:48 PM, "Zenevich, Yura" <yzenevich at ocadu.ca> wrote:

> Hi all,
> As some of you might know we had a really nice community meeting and attempted
> to centralize the testing framework effort done so far in multiple projects
> (VideoPlayer, CollectionSpace).
> Here are some of the things that came out of the meeting:
> We established that we would probably need a "test environment" component
> that is responsible for running synchronous and asynchronous jqUnit tests.
> "Test environment" is also responsible for accumulating (if necessary) the
> context for the component test (Context is probably represented as a group of
> other components resolvable via IoC).
> Multiplicity of these "test environment"s should be facilitated through grades.
> For example:
>    Basic test environment with no context would probably only need "test" and
>    "asyncTest" methods. Then we can create a new grade based on the basic one
>    with something specified in the context.
> Invocation of these grades can be done in various ways. Perhaps directly;
> perhaps through some kind of utility that is part of the testing framework
> itself; perhaps similarly to how others do it, for example:
> fluid.testEnv.require(
>    ["fluid.testEnv.componentA", "fluid.testEnv.componentB.stub"], // Grades
>    function (testEnv) {
>    // This is just an example how you could get the exact testEnv that you
>    // need for your test.
>    }
> );
> Please lets start the conversation and please let me know if I misinterpreted
> some of the things that we've discussed,
> Yura
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