GSOC-Idea Discussion - Google Apps Module for ATutor

arun scaria arunscaria91 at
Thu Mar 22 14:44:22 UTC 2012

Hi there,

I'm Arun Scaria from India, final year Computer science and engineering
student at Model engineering college. Last yea,r I successfully completed
my GSOC project under Fedora( SUDO support for SSSD). This year I would
like to do aomething challenging and productive.
 While searching for ideas and organisations of my taste, I found Inclusive
Design Institute's ideas page. I liked the project ' Google Apps Module for
ATutor'. I think this idea can make the ATutor software, a most wanted
learning software as the Google based services are extensively used among
students and teachers. I hope this module is a striving need for the
ATutor, because the Google products like Google docs, calender, YouTube etc
can be used effectively in the process of learning. The students and
teachers can make their course management process easy, if they can
directly import their Google based documents to ATutor.  Also, I think this
is a golden opportunity for me to work on challenging web based projects.

I have fair background of PHP and good understanding of google services and
various APIs. Last few days, I was reading the ATutor module developer. And
I'm ready to submit a sample module if that is acceptable as a proof of my
skills. Last year my senior, Mr. Anrup Ravindran did his GSOC project
'ATutor Calendar Module' under your guidance. I hope he can help me in the
process of learning Atutor module development. I read the module
development guide at And I
started work on my module to show some sample demos before the actual
project. Before submitting the patch. I would like to introduce myself.
That is why I made this email.

I have developed and administered a few websites for my college activities.
Feel free to check those sites.

I would like to attach the list of projects and skills I have worked on.

 I. Technical Skills: C/C++, Java, Shell Scripting, XHTML/ CSS, SQL, PHP,
JavaScript, Python, Assembly Programming- Intel 8085/ 8086.

II. Projects:

           (i). SUDO support in SSSD: GSOC 2011 project for Fedora.
                *)Implementation of a sudo plugin that can connect to
System Security Services Daemon( SSSD) to provide cached access to sudo
information stored in the sudo LDAP schema.
                *)Platform: Fedora 15( Love lock).
                *)Tools:  Sudo v1.8. 2, OpenLDAP, DBus C Low level API,
Samba project Libraries( libtalloc, libtdb, libldb and libtevent), Ding-
lib, FreeIPA project libraries, Build Tools.
                *)Languages: C( Linux).

            (ii). Slash Bin Slash Bash Web application : W eb app for Excel
                *)Development of web application to conduct national level
online Linux Shell Scripting contest with automatic event timing and
scheduling with two online rounds.
                *)Tools: Google App Engine (GAE).
                *)Languages: Python, HTML/CSS, Java Script.

            (iii). PMTool: Project Monitor tool: Internship project at
 Arbitron Technologies. Duration: 2 Months.
                *)Implementation of a web application that monitors/ tracks
the project related tasks and milestones of software development cycle at
Arbitron Technologies.
                *)Tools: Eclipse IDE, Struts 2, JBoss v7.0.
                *)Languages: Java EE, HTML/CSS, Java Script, jQuery.

            (iv). DRONA: Army Firing Training Manager. 6th Semester Mini
Project for Indian Armed Forces.
                *)Co- ordinates all activities in the Firing training
program from ammunition allotment, candidate selection to database
management and analyses the result to produce graphical analysis report.
                *)Platform: Google Android 1.6( Donut).
                *)Tools: SQLite v3, Eclipse IDE, Android SDK r08, Open GL
ES 1.0.
                *)Languages: JAVA, XML.

         I am looking forward to your reply. I'm really happy discuss more
about the project.

  Warm regards,



*Arun Scaria** | *arunscaria91 at |
arunscaria at<arunscaria91 at>
 | +91-808952852
Chairman    |  MEC Association of Computer Students (MACS),
Junior Under Graduate | Computer Science and Engineering (2008-2012),
Govt. Model Engineering College,
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