UIO in Spanish

tona monjo tonamonjo at gmail.com
Fri Mar 16 08:53:00 UTC 2012

Hi Michelle and Avtar,

This version is great! Just a few things:

   - When we enter to Display Preferences using options at the right, Text
   Style and Colour&Contrast show "Default" instead of "Predeterminado".
   - Also, when we enter Display Preferences at the right, the page title
   is "Opciones de visualizacion" (my fault). Much better if you can replace
   it by ""Preferencias de visualización", to make it more consistent with the
   option label.
   - In the Comments form, the first field label is "Su correo electrónico
   (opcional)(optional)". The "optional" in English should be removed.
   - In the summary, the first point displays "1." twice.

And that's it! The rest is perfect.



On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 7:55 PM, Michelle D'Souza <michelled33 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi Tona,
> Avtar has kindly made a build with my branch that has UIO in Spanish.
> Please let me know if I missed anything.
> http://build.fluidproject.org/infusion-fluid-4676/src/webapp/demos/uiOptions/html/uiOptions.html
> Thanks,
> Michelle

Tona Monjo
LATENT, User Experience Design
T (+34) 654 402 387
Skype: tona.monjo
Twitter: tona_monjo
Blog: http://blogs.elpunt.cat/tonamonjo/
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