When UIO meets <iframe>

Antranig Basman antranig.basman at colorado.edu
Thu Mar 8 06:17:33 UTC 2012

I can't think of much we can do, without moving towards the wider 
architectural goals we mentioned. In particular, some options, in 
decreasing order of undesirability are

i) Create a proxy infrastructure which will rehost all of this content 
under a controlled URL, and inject the required extra libraries into 
<head> (similar to the webAnywhere model)

ii) Distribute GreaseMonkey scripts (or similar) which will inject these 
scripts, and manage the necessary communication with the cloud servers 
holding profiles

iii) Build a browser extension or "Jetpack" module which does the work 
of option ii) above in a more controlled way.

Colin tells me that this work is essential anyway as part of our shared 
GPII and Floe roadmap.


On 07/03/2012 15:35, Colin Clark wrote:
> That's a sensible long-term approach. Can we think of what strategies we have at our disposal in cases where older content can't be retrofitted with support for UI Options? I imagine that this is the case with OER Commons--there may be really useful content that isn't actively maintained anymore but that would still benefit from UI Options' features.
> Colin

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