Framework changes in master

Michelle D'Souza michelled33 at
Fri Jan 20 22:14:38 UTC 2012

Hi everyone,

The framework changes that Antranig has been working on over the past few months have made it into master. With the updated framework you will likely notice a performance boost and some nice refinements to UI Options. Goodbye jumpiness!  Hopefully forever. :)

We've done quite a bit of testing before pushing this up but the changes are extensive so you may need to modify code you are working on when you update. If you are including individual javascript files, note that some functionality has moved from Fluid.js into FluidView.js so you will likely require both javascript files. 

One change I'd like to draw your attention to is an API change. 'applyChange' has been renamed to 'applyBoundChange'. Antranig explains the reason for the change on this pull request: I think the change is fine but I'd like to hear from the larger community if you feel that we should either support the old name or not make the name change. 

If you hit an issue with the upgrade, please let us all know on list so we can fix it quickly. 



Michelle D'Souza
Senior Inclusive Developer
Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

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