uio browser extension mockups

tona monjo tonamonjo at gmail.com
Fri Dec 14 09:02:35 UTC 2012

Hi Joanna,

Thanks for sending the file. I will work these two days on the 'add a
preference' process from this design, so we can discuss it on Tuesday. I
think that adding a preference it's a complex process, so we can enjoy with
its challenges!

Also, I think that the thoughts you and Arash have done on the 'text to
speech' widget are very interesting. I would vote for keep playing the
voice if the user clicks outside the page (on the computer desktop or on
another document), but stop it if he opens another webpage.

I think that when he clicks outside the page, probably wants to keep the
voice going, because he can be multitasking (and anyway has the option to
pause the narration).

But it's just my opinion. Let's discuss more deeply on Tuesday!



On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 2:54 AM, Vass, Joanna <jvass at ocadu.ca> wrote:

> Hey Tona,
> Attached are the mockups for the browser extension. I was trying out
> incorporating the 'add a preference' process from our discussion today.
> It's still really rough, but I'm a bit unsure if this is the right way to
> approach it. Maybe you were thinking something different? Also, I added
> 'text style' as a preset after it didn't quite work out under the
> 'contrast' preset. And on the last page Arash and I were discussing the
> possible features of the 'text to speech' widget. One interesting thing
> that came is whether the article would continue playing if the user clicks
> outside of the page, we could all discuss the functions of the widget in
> more detail on Tuesday? Please let me know what you think and the svn is
> updated with the file if you get a chance to add to it. :)
> Thanks,
> Joanna

Tona Monjo
LATENT, User Experience Design
T (+34) 654 402 387
Skype: tona.monjo
Twitter: tona_monjo
Blog: *http://tonamonjo.net/*
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