"Onion ring" tutorial

Colin Clark colinbdclark at gmail.com
Fri May 27 16:02:08 UTC 2011

Hi Anastasia,

I had a quick look at the code in your repo. I like the examples that are a little bit more concrete and real-world. The Currency Converter really makes sense to me. 

The more abstract ones, such as the "simpleComponent" with options like "deepObject2," or all the ones in the subcomponents.js file, don't really speak to me. I find myself spending more time trying to decipher what you mean by these abstract names, rather than learning by example and being enlightened about how the framework might help solve a real-world problem for me.

I'd suggest you avoid the fake stuff, and try to build small real examples. I think Heidi's nascent "How to Build a Component" tutorial has some examples that might inspire you, or you might borrow from the sorts of examples other framework tutorials use.

Hope this helps,


On 2011-05-26, at 11:10 AM, Cheetham, Anastasia wrote:

> Antranig (et al.), I've pushed a starting sketch of code for an "onion ring" tutorial to my fork of the documentation project:
>    https://github.com/acheetham/documentation/tree/tutorials/gettingStarted
> This is still just a sketch, but I'm trying to follow your suggestion of starting with the absolute basics and building up one step at a time.
> Currently, there's no UI to go with the JS, I've just put some narrative comments right in the code. I'm also using tests as additional "narrative" spelling out what can be expected by options merging, pre-init hooks, etc. Ultimately, this will all be presented in the docs as a multi-page tutorial, with improved narrative and links to supporting documentation, etc.
> I'd appreciate it if you would have a moment to take a look, and let me know if this is the direction you were thinking of when you first suggested the onion rings.
> -- 
> Anastasia Cheetham     Inclusive Design Research Centre
> acheetham at ocad.ca            Inclusive Design Institute
>                                        OCAD University
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Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project

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