First pass at yellow/black themes for UIOptions

Cheetham, Anastasia acheetham at
Thu May 19 14:13:14 UTC 2011

James, thanks for having a look at the work so far.

I'll adjust the widget headers appropriately, and I'll wait for icons and button images from you.

On 2011-05-18, at 2:07 PM, James William Yoon wrote:

> Looking good, Anastasia!
> 1) Should icons in widgets be replaced with their text alternatives, the way the high-contrast themes do? Currently, that's the way I've implemented it, but I wasn't sure.
> Whenever possible, we should have theme-appropriate icons (e.g., yellow on black icons). We should make a note that implementers are expected/encouraged to provide these for their users. I'll provide the ones necessary for UIO.
> I don't think it's generally a good solution to replace icons (or images generally) with their text alternatives as: a) it can be confusing for the visual user to see text where images were intended, particularly when the layout and positioning of elements is affected, and b) icons are often already accompanied by equivalent text labels.
> But, until we can come up with a more appropriate solution, we can stick with the "icons replaced by text alternatives when no contrast-appropriate icons are present".
> I'd love to hear the community's thoughts on this one.
> 2) Does the "header" line of the widgets look ok? Some themes seems to "invert" the colour scheme of the body, others do not. I wasn't sure which way to go.
> By default, the headers shouldn't be inverted. You're right, some of the themes do exhibit some wacky behavior.
> In short: header text for an x-on-y theme should have colour x on background y.
> 3) What should we do with FSS buttons? The FSS includes classes that use background images to make links "look like" buttons. You can see what that looks like in other themes at the bottom of my test file. Not sure what to do with the yellow/black themes?
> As with #1, we should provide theme-appropriate background images for this. This applies to pretty much all images, generally.
> James

Anastasia Cheetham     Inclusive Design Research Centre
acheetham at            Inclusive Design Institute
                                        OCAD University

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