console.debug issues

Justin Obara obara.justin at
Fri May 13 12:39:17 UTC 2011

Hi Antranig, 

I've attached a screenshot of the console when running the FluidJSTests in IE 9. Hope it answers your questsions.


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On 2011-05-13, at 2:45 AM, Antranig Basman wrote:

> I've added the "Function.prototype.bind" workaround we discussed in IRC today to our logging support - I've tested it on all the platforms I can lay my hands on and it seems to work - rather, the code is not executed because it is not required. I also tested the particular configuration, Firebug 1.8.0a1 and FF4 that mlam mentioned he had problems with, and couldn't reproduce the absence of the "console.debug.apply" member that he reported. Could you retest with the current trunk and see if logging appears correctly?
> Perhaps it just affects FB 1.8.0a1 on Ubuntu which would be an awful platform specificity.
> Could someone who has IE9 also try this out (it should be enough to run FluidJSTests.js and see if things show up in the console). If IE9 does not require the "bind" hack we should just take it out again since this is a dozen lines of code being delivered to all users for very little platform coverage.
> Thanks,
> Antranig.
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