proposed browser support for Infusion 1.4

Michelle D'Souza michelled33 at
Fri Jun 24 13:45:20 UTC 2011

This looks good to me. The only thing I'm wondering if whether we can downgrade our support of IE 6. The number of versions of IE that we are supporting is going to lead to a longer and longer QA cycle. Is there a way we can get some numbers on whether or not our users are using IE6?


On 2011-06-22, at 4:55 PM, Justin Obara wrote:

> Traditionally Infusion has followed yahoo's a-grade support, for out browser support. We're in a bit of an odd situation at this point. We're nearing a release. Yahoo has yet to update to update their a-grade support this year, but promise to some time in Q2. Mozilla just released Firefox 5 which is set to replace Firefox 4.
> It seems like we'll have to diverge from Yahoo's a-grade browser support, at least for one release. Here's an example of the proposed new browser support.
> Chrome - latest (Win XP)
> Firefox 5 (Win XP, Win 7, Mac OS 10.6)
> Firefox 3.6 (Win XP)
> IE 9 (Win 7)
> IE 8 (Win XP, Win 7)
> IE 7 (Win XP)
> IE 6 (Win XP)
> Safari (Mac OS 10.6)
> Infusion's current browser support can be seen on the wiki:
> Please let us know what you think about this proposal and cast your vote.
> Thanks
> Justin
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Michelle D'Souza
Inclusive Software Developer Researcher
Inclusive Design Research Centre

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