Docs Sprint Planning

Cheetham, Anastasia acheetham at
Thu Jun 23 14:59:51 UTC 2011

Come one, come all! Take a break from coding and flex your writing muscles!

Since our first two Infusion Docs Sprints were such a success, we will be holding another one in preparation for the 1.4 release. Writing about Infusion is a great way to solidify and expand your knowledge of the Framework and components, so: Join us, contribute to the community, and learn something along the way!

This will be a two-day Docs Sprint immediately following our week of testing, before we actually cut and release. As before, coordination will be in the channel.

I've started a planning page on the wiki, at:

This page lists topics we need written and suggestions for who might be able to contribute to them. Please have a look, and if you have any further suggestions, comments or ideas, please add them. I will be continuing to update this page as the sprint draws nearer.

The specific dates of the Sprint will be determined by the dates of code freeze and testing. I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Anastasia Cheetham     Inclusive Design Research Centre
acheetham at            Inclusive Design Institute
                                        OCAD University

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