fluid.stringTemplate and multiple replacement

Antranig Basman antranig.basman at colorado.edu
Fri Jun 17 01:09:27 UTC 2011

Hi Charly - you are quite right in your expectations for this function - 
the issue had been previously noted in this IRC chat from earlier this 


As the transcript shows, one jhung had been actioned as producing a JIRA 
for this issue - which I do invite him or anyone else to do :) I would 
do it myself but I am on holiday this week -

More soon,

On 17/06/2011 00:27, charly molter wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm currently using the stringTemplate function on a template like
> that "<%tag %classes %attributes>%content</%tag>" my problem is
> that it doesn't do the multiple replacement of %tag after checking the
> code:
>      fluid.stringTemplate = function (template, values) {
>          var newString = template;
>          for (var key in values) {
>              var searchStr = "%" + key;
>              newString = newString.replace(searchStr, values[key]);
>          }
>          return newString;
>      };
> It seems quite obvious that it doesn't do it. However I think this is
> a lack, you expect from this kind of function to replace every
> occurrences of a similar token.
> So please tell me if there's something I've missed to use it that way...
> Otherwise after looking for a little bit I've found that enhancement
> that would enable to do that:
>      fluid.stringTemplate = function (template, values) {
>          var newString;
>          var tmpString = template;
>          for (var key in values) {
>              var searchStr = "%" + key;
>              do {
>                  newString = tmpString;
>                  tmpString = newString.replace(searchStr, values[key]);
>              } while(tmpString !== newString);
>          }
>          return newString;
>      };
> So what do you think about it? Am I the only one thinking that the
> replacement in a template should be repetitive?

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