Infusion 1.4 Release timeline

Justin Obara obara.justin at
Fri Jun 10 20:13:08 UTC 2011

We've been making great strides in providing some nice improvements to Infusion for the 1.4 release. As part of this, we are completely overhauling UI Options, including new designs and layouts. We want to make this great, and have been putting in lots of effort for that. However, it means there is still more that we want to get done, and unfortunately that likely means we'll be slipping a bit passed our proposed release date of June 15. We'll keep you posted on when the new release date will be. 

Thanks for your patience.
On 2011-04-26, at 11:01 AM, Justin Obara wrote:

> We're projecting a mid-June release for Infusion 1.4.  We'll have a couple weeks of targeted bug fixes followed by a full week of testing before the release comes out on June 15.
> Pre-Testing: May 19 - 20
> Bug Parade: May 23 - June 3
> Testing: June 6 - 10
> Release: June 13 - 15
> Infusion 1.4 will contain Framework updates, Uploader bug fixes, an overhaul of UI Options, and improvements to FSS.
> You can keep track of the Infusion 1.4 release status on the fluid wiki:
> Thanks
> Justin

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