FLUID-3671 Screen reader a11y and usability issues with Progress (esp. lack of feedback for screen reader users)

Chowdhury, Golam gchowdhury at ocad.ca
Tue Sep 28 21:05:28 UTC 2010

Hi Jonathan,

>Why would a implementor want to use valuenow over valuetext? What benefits does it yield?

Aria-valuenow works with JAWS10/NVDA2010  in IE8/FireFox and aria-valuetext works with JAWS in IE8/FireFox but NVDA2010 does not work in FireFox but does work in IE8. I have included the test cases in my previous emails. This gives the integrator the option to switch between aira-valuenow and aria-valuetext. In aria-valuetext the information is more descriptive but in aria-valuenow, the user will hear only the value. Aria-valuenow will work on all tested browsers such as IE8,FireFox3.5.9,FireFox3.5.8 using JAWS/NVDA2010 but aria-valuetext will work on all tested browsers except for FireFox3.5.9 using NVDA. If we go with just having aria-valuenow then some integrator may want to use aria-valuetext and vise versa. The moral of the story is we are giving options to the integrator and they can decide based on their clients need which route to follow. Please let me know if I have answered your questions?

Please look in the progress component api for more information at http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Progress+API


Golam Chowdhury
gchowdhury at ocad.ca | 416-977-6000 ext. 3962
Software Developer
Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC)
OCAD University
From: jhung.utoronto at gmail.com [jhung.utoronto at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Jonathan Hung [jhung at ocad.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 4:25 PM
To: Chowdhury, Golam
Cc: colinbdclark at gmail.com; Justin Obara; fluid-work at fluidproject.org
Subject: Re: FLUID-3671 Screen reader a11y and usability issues with Progress (esp. lack of feedback for screen reader users)

Hi Golam,

I'm trying to understand the use case for these two modes aside from the fact that ValueNow helps overcome a bug in NVDA.

Why would a implementor want to use valuenow over valuetext? What benefits does it yield?

I'm trying to get an understanding so I can incorporate these two modes of progress into the new demo.

- Jonathan.

Jonathan Hung / jhung at ocad.ca<mailto:jhung.utoronto at gmail.com>
IDRC - Interaction Designer / Researcher
Fax: (416) 977-9844

On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:28 PM, Chowdhury, Golam <gchowdhury at ocad.ca<mailto:gchowdhury at ocad.ca>> wrote:
Hi Everyone,

We have address the issue for FLUID-3671 and the latest version is available in the trunk. Fluid Progress component now provides the option to the integrator to switch between aria-valuenow and aria-valuetext. By setting the ariaBusyText to empty string will default to aria-valuenow and if ariaBusyText is set to some string then aria-valuetext will be enable. I have included some of the tests for the new feature and please note that we have found some issues with our progress demo page which we are in process of fixing.


Golam Chowdhury
gchowdhury at ocad.ca<mailto:gchowdhury at ocad.ca> | 416-977-6000 ext. 3962
Software Developer
Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC)
OCAD University
From: Chowdhury, Golam
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 12:58 PM
To: colinbdclark at gmail.com<mailto:colinbdclark at gmail.com>; Justin Obara
Cc: fluid-work at fluidproject.org<mailto:fluid-work at fluidproject.org>
Subject: FLUID-3671  Screen reader a11y and usability issues with Progress (esp. lack of feedback for screen reader users)

Hi Everyone,

Issues with Screen Reader:
Current progress bar does not announce the progress bar status when using NVDA2010 screen reader using Fire Fox 3.5.9 and 3.6.9.

Summery of our conversation in regards to finding solution for progress issue:
1. We provide a configuration option for users(implementers) to be able to customize the content of the aria-valuetext for the Progress component.
2. If an implementor doesn't provide anything for valuetext such as empty string, we fall back to using aria-valuenow. The idea here is that we let implementers choose what experience is best for their application.

Detail of our conversation:

Please let us know your thoughts?


Golam Chowdhury
gchowdhury at ocad.ca<mailto:gchowdhury at ocad.ca> | 416-977-6000 ext. 3962
Software Developer
Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC)
OCAD University

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