Update on the Infusion 1.3 release

Jess Mitchell jess at jessmitchell.com
Tue Nov 16 02:10:21 UTC 2010


1.3 is shaping up to be an exciting one.  By moving the release date we're going to be able to accomplish more great accessibility fixes, get great demos into the demo portal, and ship a very exciting Infusion package builder for a customized experience.

The list is long, but have a look at the planning page in the wiki for the specifics:

This page is a great place to keep looking as we flesh out 1.4 and 1.5.  Notice Floe Project deliverables are folding into the Infusion releases -- moving the components and framework forward while solving for inclusive learning.  This page will grow as we move forward...


Jess Mitchell
Ann Arbor, MI USA (GMT - 4:00)
Senior Manager, Research & Development
jess at jessmitchell.com
/ w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
jabber: jessmitchell at gmail.com
skype: jesshmitchell

On Nov 15, 2010, at 7:16 PM, Colin Clark wrote:

> Hey Justin,
> Thanks for the update! So, for those of us working on the release, what does this change in schedule mean? We should remain focused on component accessibility fixes and demos in preparation for the next round of AEGIS demos Jan is doing next week.
> Over the next two days, our goals are:
> Uploader
> 1. Improve the screen reader user experience of Uploader by adding additional ARIA (Mike & Colin)
> 2. Style the native HTML 5 file input in a nice way (James & Justin)
> 3. More testing and suggestions for improvement (Anastasia & Heidi)
> Pager
> 1. Improve the new jQuery UI tooltip plugin so it works better with keyboard-based navigation (Justin & Michelle)
> 2. Make the Pager and its demo work great in Firefox and NVDA (Justin & Golam)
> 3. Tweak and tidy up the demo (Jonathan & Colin)
> Once these features are in place, we'll freeze the code and branch it into the incubator where Jan can have a stable version show off while we move ahead with release preparations in trunk.
> Additional Reorderer fixes are lagging behind a little. Rather than emphasizing any rushed fixes, I think Jan will be able to incorporate into his demo some of the interesting conceptual questions we are still figuring out. Anything new for Reorderer that can be finished in time is great, but the pressure is off here.
> Once the AEGIS demos are in order, here's a rough outline of our next steps for the Infusion 1.3 release:
> * Preview-level support for HTML 5 in both demo and server modes
> * New HTML for Uploader
> * New Pager demo based on the Tools wireframe Jonathan circulated recently
> * Reorderer a11y fixes
> * Any last fixes and testing to Builder
> * General release tasks, including tweaking the dependency modules
> * Documentation!
> Colin
> On 2010-11-15, at 6:17 PM, Justin Obara wrote:
>> For anyone following the Infusion 1.3 release, you probably noticed that we didn't freeze our code base and start testing today. We have been pushing forward, but just haven't quite finished getting in all of the updates and improvements yet. To that end we are extending our release date to make sure we finish these up and put in a full round of QA. 
>> The new dates are as follows;
>> 	• Bug Parade: October 4
>> 	• Code Freeze: December 10
>> 	• Release date: November 16 - 17
>> Thanks and sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
>> Justin
> ---
> Colin Clark
> Technical Lead, Fluid Project
> http://fluidproject.org
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