Documentation Requirements for 1.3

Clark, Colin cclark at
Thu Dec 23 21:50:16 UTC 2010

Hi Anastasia,

Here's a quick documentation update before I head off for the holidays:

On 2010-12-22, at 5:54 PM, Cheetham, Anastasia wrote:
>  2) Either update the Uploader tutorial, or if there's not enough time, at least delete/hide/deprecated the existing one (Colin/Mike)

I updated both the Uploader tutorial and API documentation to reflect all the new changes to Uploader.

>  3) Create at least preliminary documentation for:
>      a) Model Transformation (Colin/Mike)
>      b) Progressive Enhancement (Colin/Mike)
>      (I've started pages for these in the new docs space)

I agree that these are a high priority. I'll start in on these in the new year.

> Here's what must be first priority as soon as we return in the new year:
>  1) Get the Uploader tutorial complete, if this wasn't done
>  2) Create missing tutorials:
>      a) Pager
>      b) Image Reorderer
>  3) Finish filling in gaps in new IoC and Renderer docs

I'd like to add a priority #0: consolidate our documentation into a single, easy-to-find site. At the moment you've got new documentation in a separate space, which makes it really hard to find what you're looking for. Let's pull all our documentation into one simple table of contents.

We should also write a migration tutorial from 1.2 -> 1.3, which I assume will primarily focus on Uploader and Inline Edit.


Colin Clark
Lead Software Architect,
Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University

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