Weekly dev meeting time change

Anastasia Cheetham a.cheetham at utoronto.ca
Tue Sep 29 17:09:29 UTC 2009

> Here are two possible replacement times:
> 1.   7:30 am Pacific / 8:30 am Mountain / 10:30 Eastern / 3:30 pm  
> British / 4:30 pm Central European
> 2.   9:00 am Pacific / 10:00 am Mountain / noon Eastern / 5:00 pm  
> British / 6:00 pm Central European
> Also, if people aren't too happy with Monday meetings we can move it  
> to Tuesday.
> A. Leave it as Monday
> B. Change to Tuesday

Tuesday's at 12:30pm Eastern, there is a CollectionSpace stand-up, so  
personally, I'd prefer NOT Tuedays at noon.

Anastasia Cheetham                       a.cheetham at utoronto.ca
Interface Developer, Fluid Project      http://fluidproject.org
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre   /   University of Toronto

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