advice on instructions for the builder page

Laurel A. Williams laurel.williams at
Wed Sep 23 16:38:56 UTC 2009

My only concern with leaving out the unselecting information would be 
that, at the moment, a screen reader user may not discover it so easily. 
On the other hand, we are investigating solving that issue with aria 
live regions.


Anastasia Cheetham wrote:
> Ok, here's a straw-man starting point for text to appear at the top of 
> the Custom Build page. Everyone, feel free to comment!
> ---------------
> This page allows you to select which modules of the Fluid Infusion 
> software you would like to download. The modules you select will be 
> packaged into a custom download for use with your application. There 
> are some important things to note about this process:
> 1) Some of the Infusion modules require other modules to function. 
> When you select a module, any other dependent modules will also be 
> automatically selected.
> 2) Currently, the download package will automatically include all 
> required dependencies, even if you have unchecked them. (This will 
> change in future versions of this interface. If you require 
> exclusions, a command-line version of the custom build process is 
> available.)
> 2) The 'Download' button will become enabled as soon as at least one 
> module is selected.
> 3) Clicking the 'Reset' button automatically unselects all modules.
> ----------------
> Editor's comments:
> For brevity, I left out mention of unselecting modules automatically 
> unselecting dependencies. I suspect that this will be easily 
> discovered by the user, but feel free to disagree with me.
-------------- next part --------------
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