Design Team: Dyn"O"mite MTGs today!

Victoria Moulder vmoulder at
Thu Oct 8 18:11:25 UTC 2009

Hi Design Team et al,

That was a great set of meetings back-2-back!  Thanks for all the input, below I've listed next steps, the start of DIA wireframe questions and our immediate wireframe revisions, if you see any omissions or have comments please let me know.

Have a great long weekend - Happy Thanks Giving!!  

Best, Vicki 

Next Steps:
- Today: Jess sends out email to DIA to confirm meeting time for Wednesday, Oct. 14, 09,  2:00PM EDT time 
- Tues. Oct. 13, 09: James – sends out email with wireframes, Journey Framework, and MTG Agenda 
- Wed. Oct. 13, 09 at 2:00PM EDT DIA Design MTG
- Leah/Vicki make immediate revisions to wireframes
- Vicki/Leah write up DIA meeting questions

DIA Wireframes Questions:
1) Discuss the priority of the map in relation to the exhibition list?   Ask they think these tools are going to be used?   
2) Discuss the email page? Ask if they see a use for being able to email the exhibition tour map?
3) Discuss >Tours< vs. >Gallery< concept in presenting museum information

Immediate Wireframes Revisions:
1) Portal page – move touch screen icon to the bottom of the page, think about how to show stages of process.
2) Re-enforce the use of color in choosing exhibition – by outlining the scroll selections.
3) Think about how you can encourage the poky nature of touch screens. 
4) Create a couple of options for viewing exhibition selections.
5) Page 3: delete icons.

Vicki Moulder, MA Candidate
School of Interactive Arts & Technology 
Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC, Canada
vmoulder at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anastasia Cheetham" <a.cheetham at>
To: "Fluid Work" <fluid-work at>
Sent: Thursday, 8 October, 2009 09:40:40 GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: Image Reorderer docs

On 7-Oct-09, at 3:39 PM, Anastasia Cheetham wrote:

> I'm moving on to the Tutorial now.

Ok, I've got an Image Reorderer Tutorial now, at

Again, hopefully someone involved in the Image Reorderer re-write can  
have a look at it, make sure I didn't get anything wrong.

Anastasia Cheetham                       a.cheetham at
Interface Developer, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre   /   University of Toronto

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