Proto-models posted

James William Yoon james.yoon at
Fri Jul 31 18:58:13 UTC 2009

I agree, it could be of use to apply the ontology to the scenarios,
and to see where the ontology might be informed by them. The scenarios
themselves were early ones though and are now a bit outdated, at least
wrt to where we're headed presently. Alistair and I will work on an
updated, current scenario, as well as quickly proto-modeling the early

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:18 PM, Leah Maestri<leahmaestri at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I think it might be useful to see how the ontology applies to the
> scenarios we have up on the wiki (the ones Tona referred to) and then
> see if we're missing anything, scenario/ontology alike. Perhaps the
> proto-models from these scenarios will inform what Alistair suggests,
> which is to create another scenario that fills in the gaps where the
> other scenarios/ontology lacked. It may just help us refine ideas for
> future scenarios as we go.
> It would be very helpful to me if someone took the mobile scenarios
> and proto-modeled them. My goal is to proto-model the spatial mapping
> scenarios and post them to the Interaction map ontology page by the
> end of today. Any takers? Any thoughts?
> Best,
> Lee
> On 7/31/09, James William Yoon <james.yoon at> wrote:
>> Heya,
>>  Tona has it correct. For the all-hands meeting, we had a few early
>>  mobile scenarios (the page Tona linked) and supporting wireframes.
>>  After the all-hands, we worked closely with Hugues at the McCord to
>>  evolve the mobile wireframes, and ones that are up now are only
>>  loosely based on the early scenarios, and more based on our day-to-day
>>  dialogue with the McCord.
>>  It might be an interesting exercise to translate some of the
>>  conversations we've had back into scenarios for the sake of the
>>  proto-models, if there's a compelling reason to go back and do that.
>>  Otherwise, maybe Tona, Alistair, or I could simply sketch out the
>>  proto-models that our wireframes represent. Thoughts?
>>  Cheers,
>> James
>>  On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:06 AM, tona monjo<tonamonjo at> wrote:
>>  > Hi Leah,
>>  >
>>  > You will find some scenarios for mobile devices here:
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > They display a different structure from the scenarios included on
>>  >,
>>  > but maybe they can also be useful for creating the proto-models.
>>  >
>>  > Cheers,
>>  >
>>  > Tona
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:14 PM, Leah Maestri <leahmaestri at>
>>  > wrote:
>>  >>
>>  >> Hi All,
>>  >>
>>  >> I've managed to fumble some pages into existence on the Interaction Model
>>  >> Ontology page. (Scroll to the very bottom. They show up as children.)
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> Still trying to figure out if this is the best way to visualize the
>>  >> proto-models so if any of you have suggestions please feel free to format as
>>  >> you wish.
>>  >>
>>  >> NOTE: the iPhone wireframe's proto-model hasn't been altered yet, only
>>  >> because I'm not sure if there's an scenario existing on the wiki somewhere.
>>  >> (Is there?)
>>  >> James, do you have a scenario for the wireframe? Does one still need to be
>>  >> written?
>>  >>
>>  >> Best,
>>  >> Lee(bee)
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >>
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>>  >
>>  > --
>>  > Tona Monjo
>>  > Disseny d'interficies | Diseño de interfaces | Interface design
>>  >
>>  >
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