Inline Edit Samples?

Aaron Zeckoski aaronz at
Thu Jul 30 19:22:43 UTC 2009

OK, here is my new code based on what you said:
	AZ.initInlineEdit = function(editUrlPrefix, editContainerId, idSeparator) {
		if (typeof editContainerId === 'undefined' || !editContainerId) {
			editContainerId = 'inlineEdit-container';
		if (typeof idSeparator === 'undefined' || !idSeparator) {
			idSeparator = '_';
		var saveInlineEdit = function(newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode) {
			if (newValue !== oldValue) {
				// only do the save when new and old values are different
				var parts =;
				var editId = parts[parts.length-1];
				var editField = parts[parts.length-2];
				var editURL = editUrlPrefix + "/" + editId;
				var toSend = {};
				toSend[editField] = newValue;
				$.ajax( {
					url: editURL,
					type: "POST",
					data: toSend,
					cache: false,
					error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
						alert("Could not save inline edit: " + textStatus);
		fluid.inlineEdits("#" + editContainerId, {
			useTooltip: true,
			tooltipDelay: 250,
			listeners: {
				onFinishEdit: saveInlineEdit

The markup looks like this:
            <div id="personList" class="list">
                            <td class="flc-inlineEditable">
                                <span id="item-edit_email_3"

class="flc-inlineEdit-text">person at</span>

That seems to work for me now though I had to get Antranig to help me
since the inlineEdit and inlineEdits seem to have different defaults.

> C) There are two events associated with the 'finish edit': onFinishEdit and
> afterFinishEdit. The difference between 'on' and 'after' events is *when*
> they are fired in relation to the thing they are referring to. 'on' events
> fire *before* the action in question actually happens, and 'after' events
> are fire *after*. In your case, since you want to trigger a save, you should
> use the 'afterFinishEdit' event. The 'on' event is more suitable for
> validation-type handlers that might want to actually prevent the action from
> happening. In fact, in this particular case, the 'onFinishEdit' is fired
> before the new value is even stored in the model, so if you save then, you
> wouldn't be saving the new value.

I changed this just now, but it was saving correctly for me before I
changed it. Maybe it gives the new value correctly in firefox or
something but not other browsers?

> You do not need to access the element to retrieve the new value. Your
> afterFinishEdit event handler, saveThing(), will be passed four parameters:
> newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode. (This is described in the Supported
> Events section of the API documentation.) You can simply save the newValue,
> if you like.

I am not accessing the value, I am getting the id of the backend
object out of the id in the element (it is encoded in the id like
this: item-edit_fieldname_id).


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Anastasia
Cheetham<a.cheetham at> wrote:
> [Side comment: I am so pleased to have someone looking at our documentation
> and asking questions! It is making the holes in the documentation very
> apparent, and I'm looking forward to plugging them.]
> On 30-Jul-09, at 8:53 AM, Aaron Zeckoski wrote:
>> I was actually hoping for something a little like jquery does with
>> their docs where they show simple usage. The tutorial seems to mostly
>> just talk about the markup and how it needs to be changed to work with
>> the inline edit stuff. That was somewhat helpful but it did not
>> actually include the sample JS I was looking for.
> Aaron, this is a good point regarding our docs. We do need some very
> straightforward, complete examples along the line of "If you want to do
> this, write that." And our tutorials and samples are definitely lacking
> information about the event handlers.
>> 1) I mark all my things I want to be editable with an id like
>> "some-thing_date_111" (where 111 is the id of the thing to be edited)
>> and a class "fluidInlineEdit".
> Another hole in the documentation... We don't really explain the various
> parts of markup that the InlineEdit component is interested in, and how they
> relate to each other, and which  parts are required and which are optional.
> What is the basic markup that you want to make editable? If you provide a
> snippet, I can clarify which bits will need to have some kind of id or class
> on them.
> But basically:
> Yes, what you've described should work: On the container of each editable
> text, you could attach an id or a class, and use that id or class to
> identify the first parameter to fluid.inlineEdit() (see comment A below for
> more).
>> 2) I use jquery to get all the thing elements and then call (where
>> thingElement is my componentContainer which holds the text to be
>> edited):
>> fluid.inlineEdit(thingElement, {
>>   useTooltip : true,
>>   tooltipDelay : 500,
>>   listeners: {
>>      onFinishEdit: saveThing
>>   }
>> });
> This is basically right, but with a few tweaks.
> A) You don't need to "use jQuery to get all the thing elements" yourself.
> The first parameter to fluid.inlineEdit() can be a jQuery object, but it
> could alternatively be a selector (e.g. "#some-thing_date_111") or a DOM
> element. If you don't pass a jQuery object, the component will create one
> for you.
> B) If you have multiple things that you would like to have configured as
> inline-editable in the same fashion, there is a convenience method that will
> do all of them for you in one go:
>    fluid.inlineEdits(editables, options)
> In this form, the editables parameter is an *array* of the
> elements/selectors/jQuery objects that you want to be editable. The return
> value will be an *array* of the InlineEdit components.
> C) There are two events associated with the 'finish edit': onFinishEdit and
> afterFinishEdit. The difference between 'on' and 'after' events is *when*
> they are fired in relation to the thing they are referring to. 'on' events
> fire *before* the action in question actually happens, and 'after' events
> are fire *after*. In your case, since you want to trigger a save, you should
> use the 'afterFinishEdit' event. The 'on' event is more suitable for
> validation-type handlers that might want to actually prevent the action from
> happening. In fact, in this particular case, the 'onFinishEdit' is fired
> before the new value is even stored in the model, so if you save then, you
> wouldn't be saving the new value.
>> 3) I get the id from the viewNode and do the save in my saveThing
>> function.
> You do not need to access the element to retrieve the new value. Your
> afterFinishEdit event handler, saveThing(), will be passed four parameters:
> newValue, oldValue, editNode, viewNode. (This is described in the Supported
> Events section of the API documentation.) You can simply save the newValue,
> if you like.
> I hope this helps. Please keep the questions coming!
> --
> Anastasia Cheetham                   a.cheetham at
> Software Designer, Fluid Project
> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre / University of Toronto

Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski (at)
Senior Research Engineer - CARET - University of Cambridge - -

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