Is there a FluidAll.css?

Aaron Zeckoski aaronz at
Thu Jul 30 14:34:26 UTC 2009

Still learning email...

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 3:34 PM, Aaron Zeckoski<aaronz at> wrote:
> In that case, it sure would be nice if there was a real FSSall.css
> file which I could use.
> Maybe it would be nice to have later on if someone who knows what they
> are doing has time to make it happen?
> -AZ
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 2:50 PM, <michelle.dsouza at> wrote:
>> Quoting Aaron Zeckoski <aaronz at>:
>>> I guess this only matters if the Infusion.js that I built without
>>> javascript refers to this FSS stuff.
>>> I was under the impression that all the JS related to Fluid was packed
>>> up in that file and therefore load order for my JS is not important.
>> Yes, this is true. If you are using the InfusionAll javascript file then you
>> do not need to worry about order and you also need not worry about the other
>> javascript files in the Infusion package. Sorry if I wasn't clear before.
>> I was under the impression that you wanted to create a single CSS file in
>> the same manor as the single javascript file was created. I was hoping that
>> the json dependency files would help you in that task by communicating what
>> a component depends upon and what CSS files make up a component.
>> You are correct that you don't require FSS for most of the Infusion
>> components. The one exception is UI Options which depends on FSS for
>> transforming the user interface to meet the user's selected preferences.
>> That being said, FSS provides some nice styling and you will see that we've
>> often used FSS in our examples. This is not a requirement just a nice to
>> have.
>> Michelle
> --
> Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski (at)
> Senior Research Engineer - CARET - University of Cambridge
> -
> -

Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski (at)
Senior Research Engineer - CARET - University of Cambridge - -

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