Is there a FluidAll.css?

Aaron Zeckoski aaronz at
Wed Jul 29 17:45:53 UTC 2009

I guess this only matters if the Infusion.js that I built without
javascript refers to this FSS stuff.
I was under the impression that all the JS related to Fluid was packed
up in that file and therefore load order for my JS is not important.

I feel like I should provide some feedback here. I had a pretty hard
time understanding what exactly I need in order to use Fluid. There is
InfusionAll but also a bunch of additional js files which appear to
have much of the same stuff as the All file. Most of the compoents say
to just use the InfusionAll file and some also indicate a css file to
include but that's all.
Some kind of quick start guide which basically provides steps to get
all the components working with a minimal number of files and tells
exactly what to put into the html header would be very nice. If this
already exists then I could not find it but if someone can provide a
link it would be great.


On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Michelle
D'Souza<michelle.dsouza at> wrote:
> You'll also need the FSS files which you'll find in the framework section of
> the repository:
> As for the order of the files, we have json files in the repository that
> lists the files related to a component and the component dependencies. We
> use these json files when we construct the InfusionAll javascript because of
> course the order javascript files are loaded in also matters. I'm not sure
> whether we actually tested this with CSS - Justin may be able to answer
> that. Here's an example of the json dependency file for the InlineEdit
> component:
> Hope this helps,
> Michelle
> On 29-Jul-09, at 10:44 AM, Aaron Zeckoski wrote:
>> I went ahead and wrote a shell command to build up the css files into
>> a single one for now.
>> find components/ -name *.css -exec echo "/*** file: {} */" \; -exec
>> cat {} \; >> InfusionAll.css
>> Would I need any others or should the ones in components cover them all?
>> -AZ
>> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Jacob Farber<jacob.farber at>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Aaron,
>>> At this moment, there is no way to automatically build multiple css files
>>> into a single file (the paths will break). The safest bet is to refer to
>>> them separately.
>>> Hope that helps,
>>> Jacob
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: fluid-work-bounces at
>>> [mailto:fluid-work-bounces at] On Behalf Of Aaron Zeckoski
>>> Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:05 AM
>>> To: fluid-work
>>> Subject: Is there a FluidAll.css?
>>> Is there a way to get all the fluid css as a single file or do I need
>>> to (1) make one from the css files in components or (2) refer to them
>>> all separately?
>>> Thanks
>>> -AZ
>>> --
>>> Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski (at)
>>> Senior Research Engineer - CARET - University of Cambridge
>>> -
>>> -
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>> --
>> Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski (at)
>> Senior Research Engineer - CARET - University of Cambridge
>> -
>> -
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> ------------------------------------------------------
> Michelle D'Souza
> Software Developer, Fluid Project
> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
> University of Toronto

Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski (at)
Senior Research Engineer - CARET - University of Cambridge - -

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