JIRA issues for this iteration

Michelle D'Souza michelle.dsouza at utoronto.ca
Tue Jul 28 14:05:06 UTC 2009

At the dev meeting yesterday we decided that we are going to focus on  
the following for this iteration:
	1. Bug fixes for the Infusion 1.1.1 release on August 13
	2. Features for the Infusion 1.2 release at the end of September
	3. Features for the Engage 0.1 release at the end of September

If you're curious about the meeting, we had it in IRC and it is logged  
here: http://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/fluid-work+IRC+Logs-2009-07-27
This actually worked really well and I'd like to recommend that we  
continue to do our dev planning in the IRC room so that people who  
can't make it to the meeting don't miss anything.

Like we did last iteration we are self organizing our work and sharing  
our list of JIRA issues here. For myself I will be at the Decapod all  
hands meeting next week. This week I'll be working on:

1. Helping Alison submit her patch to FLUID-3011 to jQuery UI.
2. Assisting with the bug parade through code review and testing
3. Working on bug parade bugs as required
4. FLUID-3060: Build a tagging component


Michelle D'Souza
Software Developer, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
University of Toronto

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