
Justin justin.obara at utoronto.ca
Mon Jul 27 13:35:55 UTC 2009

Hello Laurel,

I just took a quick look at your latest commits.

Looks good. Thanks for fixing up combineArrays.

There are a few issues that you can spot by doing some linting,  
including: missing semicolon, whitespace issue, and some unused  

- Justin
On 24-Jul-09, at 1:25 PM, Justin wrote:

> Hello Laurel,
> Here is some feedback.
> General
> =======
> Could use some linting
> some whitespace issues
> missing some ";"
> checkRenderedModules
> ====================
> var i is declared twice, once in each for loop
> numModuleValues is used before it is declared
> the string ".flc-customBuild-module input:checkbox" is used twice.  
> You could probably declare renderedModuleCheckboxes earlier and then  
> use it in numRenderedCheckboxes
> $.unique only works for DOM elements not strings ( http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.unique 
>  )
> you can use the hasSameValues function that i made, which tests if  
> two arrays are the same size and have the same values
> customBuildTester
> ===============
> Only takes in one set of test data
> there are lots of possible ways to solve this
> pass in more data sets (via array or parameters)
> move the helper functions out of the custBuildTester function and  
> have multiples of these types of functions that get called in the $ 
> (document).ready function
> etc.
> hasSameValues
> =============
> Okay so this is something I wrote, but thought you might want to fix  
> it, or I can it's up to you.
> currently it checks one array against another, but you could get a  
> situation like this [one, one], [one, two] That could pass, since  
> one is in both arrays. So the if condition should contain a test for  
> checking both arrays against each other. The if statement would have  
> something like this     $.inArray(arrayOne[i], arrayTwo) === -1 ||   
> $.inArray(arrayTwo[i], arrayOne) === -1
> On 23-Jul-09, at 3:18 PM, Laurel A. Williams wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've spent the last day or two working with the tests for the  
>> customBuild component - specifically the tests that check if the  
>> rendering is working as expected. I've added a little code, many  
>> comments and refactored the tests to improve readability (for me  
>> anyway) and to chunk the code into logical groupings (again, in my  
>> opinion). I'm excited that I'm actually doing javascript  
>> programming after 7 months on FLUID <grin>!!
>> I think it is probably time to ask for a quick review of my  
>> efforts, before I go too much farther. Looking forward to your  
>> feedback.
>> Laurel
>> -- 
>> Laurel A. Williams
>> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
>> University of Toronto
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