Fluid and Grails

Colin Clark colin.clark at utoronto.ca
Fri Jul 24 22:08:43 UTC 2009

Hey Aaron,

On 24-Jul-09, at 10:27 AM, Aaron Zeckoski wrote:

> Has anyone (or do you know anyone) who has used Fluid Infusion with
> Grails (the java web framework)? Alternatively, is anyone experienced
> enough to say if there would be any reasons Grails might not be able
> to work with Fluid Infusion? There are jQuery plugins for grails so it
> seems to work ok with JQuery.
> I am experimenting with it and trying to see if there is a way to get
> them to happily work together so I thought I would check and see if
> anyone has any experience with this.

I can't imagine there would be any problems using Infusion with  
Grails, but I don't know of anyone who's specifically tried it. Maybe  
Zach Thomas?

What exactly does a Grails JavaScript plugin do? Let us know if we can  
help make it happen.


Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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