viewing unit tests in Aptana

Laurel A. Williams laurel.williams at
Wed Jul 22 13:58:40 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Yesterday Justin un-officially handed over the bulk of the customBuild 
code over to me for further work, while he continues with other tasks. I 
was a little daunted but started by looking at the unit tests, where 
there are some more tasks to accomplish. That was when I discovered that 
the "outline view" in Aptana doesn't really work for the js unit tests 
as they have been written in FLUID. I find the "outline view" to be 
really helpful in getting oriented with code that I am unfamiliar with 
and was really disappointed not having that available to me.

I think I found a way around it which causes minimal disruption to the 
tests but also allows you to use the "outline view" if you want.

Code originally looks like this -
(function ($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {
          test code here
}) (jQuery);

Modified code -

(function tester() {
      test code here

(function ($) {
    $(document).ready(function () {

The modified code is now viewable in Aptana's outline view.

I made this modification to the tests for the customBuild Javascript. 
Let me know what you think.


Laurel A. Williams
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
University of Toronto

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