Android UI guidelines

tona monjo tonamonjo at
Thu Jul 16 05:29:40 UTC 2009

Thanks a lot, Colin!

These guidelines will be really useful for us when we start working on the
interfaces for Android. I'll begin reading it as soon as I can, just to get
an idea of the context.



On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 12:25 AM, Colin Clark <colin.clark at>wrote:

> Hey all,
> We've been referring to Apple's iPhone Human Interface Guidelines pretty
> regularly as we design the iPhone theme for the mobile Fluid Skinning
> System. Looking towards support for other platforms, I did a bit of Googling
> for similar guidelines on other platforms.
> Here's a link to the Android UI guidelines. They're not as comprehensive as
> we might like, but they're a start:
> In case you're curious, here are the guidelines offered by RIM for
> Blackberry devices:
> Still trying to dig up a similar document for recent Symbian-based phones.
> Hope this helps,
> Colin
> ---
> Colin Clark
> Technical Lead, Fluid Project
> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

Tona Monjo
Disseny d'interficies | Diseño de interfaces | Interface design
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