DRAFT MMI Project Description and Design Questions

Jess Mitchell jess at jessmitchell.com
Mon Jul 13 19:06:14 UTC 2009

Wow, Jason, great ideas!

And I think we might need to digest some of this before our next chat,  
but this looks great.


Jess Mitchell
Boston, MA, USA
Project Manager / Fluid Project
jess at jessmitchell.com
/ w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
jabber: jessmitchell at gmail.com

On Jul 10, 2009, at 5:14 PM, Jason Eppink wrote:

> Hi all, we’ve been thinking more on our end about some more ideas  
> that might
> work well for a micro-project:
> #1: Primarily, we started thinking about how video as artifact  
> support could
> be really useful.  You’ll see when you visit, but we do have some  
> monitors
> that loop a clip or two to show an artifact in its original context,  
> but we
> don’t want to (or have the money or the space to) dedicate a monitor  
> to
> every single object on the floor of the gallery.  Instead, visitors  
> could
> access the video on their own devices.
> This could work with, e.g., costumes (video of costume in use),  
> licensed
> merchandise (video of TaunTaun to support TaunTaun action figure), or
> scripts (video of scene as it ended up in the movie).
> This would enable us to build on what was already created for McCord,
> integrating the collection and creating a richer multimedia  
> experience.
> Integrating with our collections database would be relatively easy,  
> though
> I’m not sure how it would work with the proposed CouchDB system off  
> of which
> Fluid Engage will work.
> How a user would identify the video to be played is a challenge (QR  
> code?
> Enter a unique number?  Was this addressed with the McCord micro- 
> project?)
> but that brings us to...
> #2: the Magic Window.  What would be cool and useful is the ability  
> to frame
> an object with your mobile device’s camera, have the device  
> recognize the
> object, and then have the ability to “click” it and have the  
> artifact info
> (including video) pop up.  The metaphor is the Magic Window, as if  
> it's a
> window you are peering through into an alternate reality.
> A specific use case would be the ability to use the magic window to  
> frame a
> Red Grooms artwork at the museum called Tut's Fever.  All figures on  
> the
> mural/sculpture are based on historical figures, and the magic  
> window would
> be able to identify each character, and then, e.g., Red Grooms could  
> speak
> about each one on request.  Similarly the magic window could identify
> specific costumes or action figures and access the collection record  
> that
> way.
> Anyway, just wanted to float this before we speak again.  Cheers!
> -jason
> On 7/6/09 4:37 PM, "Jess Mitchell" <jess at jessmitchell.com> wrote:
>> Hey Vicki,
>> This is a really great start.  I think that while we're still in  
>> the figuring
>> things out stage we can be pretty loose with what we're thinking  
>> and writing.
>> We'll have another conversation tomorrow and get more ideas, I  
>> suspect, and
>> those will help us shape what we think we might do.  So, this  
>> "proposal" is a
>> promise to keep chatting about how we might structure things more  
>> and move
>> forward together.
>> Best,
>> Jess
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Jess Mitchell
>> Boston, MA, USA
>> Project Manager / Fluid Project
>> jess at jessmitchell.com
>> / w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
>> jabber: jessmitchell at gmail.com
>> http://www.fluidproject.org
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> On Jul 3, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Victoria Moulder wrote:
>>> Hi Jess, James and Jason:
>>> Attached is [MMI_ProjectDraft.doc]
>>> Please review and let me know of any comments, edits or  
>>> omissions.   I’ve
>>> tried to capture the gist of our conversation as a starting point  
>>> for future
>>> discussion.
>>> Enjoy the weekend - Happy 4th!
>>> Best, Vicki
>>> <MMI_ProjectDraft.doc>

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