Uploader - file types to exclude

Eli Cochran eli at media.berkeley.edu
Mon Jul 6 15:32:54 UTC 2009

Sadly, the current SWFUpload engine only has a setting for which  
filetypes to include, not which to exclude.

The file_types setting accepts a semi-colon separated list of file  
extensions that are allowed to be selected by the user. Use '*.*' to  
allow all file types.

We could can exclude files as they are added to the file queue but the  
end-user would still be able to "select" the excluded files in the  
file browser.

- Eli

On Jul 6, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Colin Clark wrote:

> Cindy,
> Good suggestion. We'll file a feature request for this. Hopefully  
> our underlying upload engine, SWFUpload, will support something like  
> this.
> Colin
> On 26-Jun-09, at 3:48 PM, Cindy Qi Li wrote:
>> Aaron, Colin and Justin, thanks a lot for your help. Fluid file  
>> uploader in ATutor has been successfully upgraded to 1.1.
>> Another thought: one feature that Fluid may consider to add in is  
>> the file types to be excluded from the uploader. File uploader  
>> already supports the file types that can be uploaded by setting the  
>> uploadManager option "fileTypes". When this option is set, only the  
>> given file types are listed in the popup OS file dialog.
>> In ATutor, administrators can define a list of file types that are  
>> NOT allowed to be uploaded into ATutor. For example, the files with  
>> extension "exe" or "php" or "bat" are forbidden as they have  
>> potential to ruin the system. It would be nice that Fluid can  
>> support something like "fileTypesToExclude", which could either  
>> stop the file types being listed in file dialog, or, when they are  
>> selected in dialog and go into queue, show an error like "illegal  
>> file type" besides those files.
> ---
> Colin Clark
> Technical Lead, Fluid Project
> Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto
> http://fluidproject.org
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. . . . . . . . . . .  .  .   .    .      .         .              .                     .

Eli Cochran
user interaction developer
ETS, UC Berkeley

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