Code for review svn commit: 7499 and svn commit: 7500

Laurel A. Williams laurel.williams at
Fri Jul 3 16:41:39 UTC 2009

Hi all,

Yay, I committed my own code (yes, I am actually excited about that).

The commits are more work on the postProcessor code for the custom 
builder. For FLUID-2977, I re-wrote the processPostVariables function 
because the data posted has changed considerably since I first wrote the 
code. Hopefully we've finalized it now. I also refactored out some 
utility functions used by processPostVariables into a separate class 
(BuilderUtilityClass) and created tests for those functions (FLUID-2952).

Can someone review these please. Thx.


Laurel A. Williams
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre
University of Toronto

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