FE Design JIRA structure

James William Yoon james.yoon at utoronto.ca
Fri Jul 3 14:42:18 UTC 2009

Great point, Tona.

Fortunately, there's a way in Jira to put in task dependencies
already. If you click on an existing issue, then click on "Link this
issue to another issue" from the left-hand toolbar, you can create a
relationship (e.g., a dependency) between that issue and another one
in Jira.


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 8:37 AM, tona monjo<tonamonjo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for your effort to make work structure more clear. Your proposal of
> sharing a common vocabulary is important to organize our tasks in JIRA.
> I think that it'd be also interesting to reinforce the visualization of
> interdependency between the different tasks involved on a same project or
> micro-project, not only for sharing but also for tasks that are dependant of
> other team members' tasks. For instance, if a depelover needs something from
> a designer to begin or to complete a task, it should be clearly displayed in
> I cannot really imagine which would be the best solution for it (maybe it's
> because I'm novice in JIRA and there's already a good solution). I suggest
> that we could show this dependency following the same structure that you
> propose for displaying shared tasks.
> For example, let's imagine that David is going to work on the "Add to
> favourites" option for the iPhone artifact data, but before starting he
> needs the prototype from the designers. He could enter his task as
> iPhone: artifact data: Create favouriting [Dependant of designers'
> prototype]
> Would it work?
> Tona
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Jess Mitchell <jess at jessmitchell.com> wrote:
>> Below is an attempt to organize the work that the designers are getting
>> into JIRA -- as a way to structure their "iterations" of work.
>> James and I just had an impromptu brainstorm about how to structure the
>> work and came up with this as a recommendation:
>> component field in JIRA  summary description structure
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Mobile
>> iPhone: artifact data: <details of work task here> [Shared with
>> FirstinitialLastinitial]
>> as an example, see: http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-2973
>> iPhone: spatial data: <details of work task here> [Shared with FILI]
>> iPhone: conceptual data: <details of work task here> [Shared with FILI]
>> Android: artifact data: <details of work task here> [Shared with FILI]
>> and so on...
>> (we are still doing early thinking in the following two areas, so the
>> summary description structure is drafty)
>> Spatial Mapping
>> object-based: tech: <details of work task here> [Shared with FILI]
>> room-based: tech: <details of work task here> [Shared with FILI]
>> proximity-based: tech: <details of work task here> [Shared with FILI]
>> (this is the one where we have the most thinking to do)...
>> Conceptual Mapping
>> authoritative-data:
>> visitor-tagged-data:
>> time-data:
>> The goal is to have enough of a shared vocabulary that we can all begin to
>> put our tasks into JIRA.  Our thinking *will* evolve and we will change the
>> vocabulary to make sense to us.  The above represents what we're thinking
>> now and want to use for our iteration02 planning in JIRA.  We aren't locked
>> in to doing things this way, so we can adjust to make JIRA work for us.
>> Feedback, comments, questions?
>> Best,
>> Jess
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> Jess Mitchell
>> Boston, MA, USA
>> Project Manager / Fluid Project
>> jess at jessmitchell.com
>> / w / 617.326.7753  / c / 919.599.5378
>> jabber: jessmitchell at gmail.com
>> http://www.fluidproject.org
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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> --
> http://www.tonamonjo.com
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