Help for artifact needed

Justin justin.obara at
Thu Jul 2 13:05:56 UTC 2009

Hi Armin,

I just looked over your code and noticed a few things.

In loadData.js you need to pass in a selector for a container which  
holds all the markup used by your component.
See line 21
In artifact.js, you need to give that.locate the key name for the  
container of your renderer, from the selectors section of your  
defaults structure.
See line 40
Currently you are passing in the id from the selector map used for  
rendering and don't seem to have a container for your rendered  
elements listed in your defaults structure.
In artifact.html you don't really seem to have setup a container for  
the component, nor for the rendered items. So you may have to adjust  
your markup a bit.

Hope that helps. I did run a test with the changes mentioned and did  
get it working. Feel free to check in with me if you having any  


On 30-Jun-09, at 8:59 PM, Armin Krauss wrote:

> Hello all,
> I checked my artifact stuff into SVN although the rendering does not
> work. I have no idea why it is broken.
> Any help is welcome!
> Armin
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