FLUID-3399 request for preliminary review

Colin Clark colin.clark at utoronto.ca
Tue Dec 15 17:13:43 UTC 2009

Hi Laurel,

I took a look at your preliminary primer code. Here are some comments:

* I'm not sure you should parameterize all your Ajax request options  
like you have. Here's a question to ask yourself when parameterizing  
things: If someone were to change any of these options, would the code  
still work? For example, changing the type of request from POST to  
GET; wouldn't that just be wrong?

* It might be a better idea to chain Ajax requests asynchronously,  
rather than doing the requests synchronously in a loop. In some  
browsers, synchronous requests will cause things to lock until  
everything is done. To be more concrete, chaining Ajax requests will  
involve calling the prime() function in the success callback of the  

* You've certainly got the mechanics of making Ajax requests in place,  
but I'll be interested to see how you'll do the bigger picture stuff-- 
deciding on how to represent "profiles" of stuff to build, etc.

* Your question about how to obtain the model: it seems to me that you  
can make a request to the Builder itself to get a model of all the  
available modules. Along with this, you'll probably want a separate  
model--perhaps defined in the component's options--to specify the list  
of "profiles" that will need to be built in order to prime the cache.

Minor, nitpicky details:

* The primer() function should probably be named as a verb: prime(),  
* You need to run JSLint on this code: missing semicolons, whitespace  
issues, a few details.
* Real minor: consider consistent use of quotation marks--use " or '  
* You might want to name your button in the dom binder a bit more  
clearly--maybe "primeButton" instead of "initiatePrime," for example

This is a good start, but I'm thinking that we probably won't have the  
primer in place for the Builder 1.1.2 release. I think that's probably  
fine for this release, it just means that we'll have to manually prime  
the cache. Thoughts?


On 14-Dec-09, at 9:48 PM, Laurel Williams wrote:

> Would really appreciate your eyes on http://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-3399 
> . I checked in further code today and it seems to work...just need  
> to figure out how to populate the model. But any comments on the  
> code and technique would be appreciated.
> Laurel

Colin Clark
Technical Lead, Fluid Project
Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, University of Toronto

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