Video Player: tasty carrot component

James William Yoon james.yoon at
Mon Dec 7 18:56:34 UTC 2009

Excellent point. Yes, the video should play only when the user initiates it,
but what constitutes initiation will vary. For instance, on, clicking on "Watch the mobile screencast" (complete
with a play icon) should play a video automatically when ready, even though
it wasn't an initiation directly on the video itself.

The upshot: it's great that the component's autoplay will be configurable to
suit varied circumstances!


On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Colin Clark <colinbdclark at> wrote:

> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the feedback. Yep, autoplay is definitely evil for many users,
> hence the ability to toggle the feature on and off. Undoubtedly it would
> default to off.
> Coin
> On 7-Dec-09, at 1:15 PM, Michael S Elledge wrote:
>> I haven't been following this thread, so please pardon if this is
>> off-base, but remember that videos should play only when users initiate
>> them. So, if this is autoplay after a person has started it, it's okay; if
>> it is playing without the user choosing, it's not okay. Default should be
>> off.
>>>  - Auto-play when the video is sufficiently buffered
>>> This is, fortunately, built right into the HTML 5 spec, so we get it for
>>> free. Probably worth testing, and perhaps exposing a public method on the
>>> Video Player that allows implementers to toggle this feature on and off.
> ---
> Colin Clark
> Technical Lead, Fluid Project
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